Page 8 - LatAmOil Week 43 2020
P. 8

LatAmOil                                            NRG                                             LatAmOil

                         Aramco unveiled the project in 2017, estimating  a $7bn contract to buy US LNG, after pressure
                         at the time it would process 400,000 barrels per  from the French government to seek cleaner
                         day (bpd) of crude to produce 9mn tonnes per  supplies instead. But the US government also
                         year (tpy) of chemicals and base oils. That would  plans to intervene to convince French officials to
                         make the complex the largest of its kind in the  let the deal go ahead.
                         world. It was due to start up in 2025.  France’s government, a minority shareholder in
                           However, Aramco and newly acquired sub-  Engie, stepped in last month to prevent the com-
                         sidiary SABIC said last week they were consid-  pany from agreeing a 20-year contract with US
                         ering integrating Aramco’s existing refineries  LNG developer NextDecade, Politico, Bloomb-
                         in Yanbu with a mixed feed steam cracker and  erg and various other outlets have reported.
                         derivative olefins units. The scope is being reas-  According to Politico, the authorities’ main con-
                         sessed “to maximise the economic value while  cern is the life cycle of the methane content of US
                         evaluating the optimal technical options and  gas produced in West Texas and New Mexico.
                         market risks,” SABIC said in a filing.  The gas was to come from NextDecade’s
                           The shift in plans comes as oversupplied oil  planned Rio Grande terminal in Texas. Nex-  Rosneft has
                         and petrochemicals markets force operators in  tDecade was hoping to take a final investment
                         both areas to re-evaluate production projects.  decision (FID) on the first of the 27mn tonne per   scaled up plans
                         It marks the first time the crude-to-chemicals  year (tpy) project’s several phases this year, but
                         scheme has been adjusted since the coronavirus  pushed the move back until 2021. It is looking to   for its already
                         (COVID-19) pandemic started.         finalise contracts for at least 11mn tpy of offtake
                           Israel continues to increase ties with its Arab  before giving the venture the green light.  ambitious Vostok
                         neighbours in the energy sector. Israeli pipeline   The US government intends to get involved,   Oil project in the
                         firm EAPC on October 20 signed a preliminary  according to the news agency, with Secretary of
                         deal to bring UAE oil to Europe. The oil would  State Mike Pompeo leading a diplomatic push to   Russian Arctic
                         flow through a 254-km pipeline linking the Red  convince France to change its mind.
                         Sea city of Eilat with the Mediterranean port   Meanwhile, Spain’s Repsol has become
                         of Ashkelon. The agreement comes after Israel  the latest in a number of European refiners to
                         and the UAE normalised their relationship last  announce plans to convert to biofuel produc-
                         month through a landmark peace deal.  tion. It plans to build an advanced biofuels plant
                           Israeli-Arab relations have dramatically  at its 100,000 barrel per day (bpd) refinery in
                         changed in recent years, amid shared concerns  Cartagena.
                         about Iran and its efforts to expand Shia influ-  Steep declines in demand caused by corona-
                         ence in the region. Tehran has also worsened ties  virus (COVID-19) have left many refineries in
                         with some of its neighbours through its support  Europe facing closure. But closing refineries is
                         for Yemen’s Houthi rebels.           expensive, requiring the dismantling of heavy
                                                              equipment and pipelines along with land reme-
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   diation. Converting sites to biofuel offers an
                         the downstream sector of Africa and the Middle East,   alternative option.
                         then please click here for NewsBase’s DMEA Monitor.
                                                              If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         Europe: Engie delays US LNG contract   Europe’s oil and gas sector then please click here for
                         France’s Engie has reportedly delayed signing   NewsBase’s EurOil Monitor.

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 43   29•October•2020
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