Page 9 - LatAmOil Week 43 2020
P. 9

LatAmOil                                           NRG                                             LatAmOil

                         FSU: Rosneft’s rising ambitions      super-chilled fuel.
                         Rosneft has scaled up plans for its already ambi-  In the Middle East, meanwhile, Qatar is
                         tious Vostok Oil project in the Russian Arctic.  doing the same to drive forward its own LNG
                           Vostok Oil was originally conceived as an  expansion plans. Last week, the government of
                         oil-only venture. Rosneft earlier predicted it  US President Donald Trump extended the terms
                         could supply up to 500,000 barrels per day of oil  of seven long-term LNG export authorisations
                         to global markets by 2024, rising to 1mn bpd in  until 2050. The move came as no surprise, fol-
                         2027 and 2.3mn bpd by 2030. This crude would  lowing on from the US Department of Energy’s
                         all be shipped via tankers along the Northern Sea  (DoE) policy statement in July that it would per-
                         Route (NSR) from a new terminal on the shore of  mit LNG export authorisations to be extended.
                         the Taymyr Peninsula.                  The US has only been exporting LNG since
                           Rosneft now wants to add LNG and even coal  2016, but has rapidly gained market share as new
                         exports to the project. In addition to crude, it is  liquefaction capacity has come online, mainly on
                         looking into options for shipping up to 35-50mn  the Gulf Coast.
                         tonnes per year of LNG and 50mn tpy of coal   But efforts by US LNG producers to strike
                         from the terminal it intends to build in Sever Bay.  new off-take deals are running into obstacles,
                         It is unclear whether Rosneft would produce the  not only because of the oversupplied market, but   Efforts by US
                         coal itself or export third-party supplies.  also because of environmental concerns, as men-  LNG producers
                           Rosneft is also set to obtain two gas fields for  tioned in EurOil. The fight, involving a potential
                         Vostok Oil, after Russia’s government confirmed  supply deal that France’s Engie was reportedly   to strike new
                         that the company would be the only one author-  due to strike with the US’ NextDecade before it
                         ised to bid in a tender for the Deryabinskoye  was delayed by political pressure, illustrates the   off-take deals
                         and Kazantsevskoye fields. These resources will  greater environmental challenges LNG produc-
                         underpin its LNG production plans.   ers may have to contend with in the future.  are running into
                           Meanwhile, Russia’s Tatneft is weighing up   Qatar, meanwhile, has taken another step   obstacles
                         its options after losing billions of dollars in tax  forward by reportedly selected Honeywell as
                         relief in the country’s latest overhaul of oil indus-  the main instrument and control contractor to
                         try taxation. The company needs to update its  support the North Field East expansion project.
                         investment programme, and is yet to decide   In another illustration of the growing impor-
                         whether to move some of the highly viscous and  tance of environmental issues to the industry,
                         nearly depleted fields affected by the changes  state-owned Qatar Petroleum (QP) has also
                         to Russia’s excess profit tax (EPT) system. Until  sought to talk up the comparative low emis-
                         Tatneft decides how to response to the loss of  sions-intensity of its expanded LNG operations.
                         tax breaks, it will not invest in any new heavy  The company is building a carbon capture and
                         oil-containing fields.               storage (CCS) facility to capture carbon dioxide
                                                              (CO2) from its LNG production.
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   These developments raise questions about
                         the former Soviet Union’s oil and gas sector then please  how Australia – where LNG plants are typically
                         click here for NewsBase’s FSU Monitor .  more carbon-intensive than similar facilities in
                                                              other parts of the world – will deal with their car-
                         GLNG: Bidding for LNG dominance      bon footprint in an increasingly environmentally
                         Various US LNG developers and their sup-  conscious world.
                         porters – including the federal government –
                         continue to push forward with plans that will   If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         help to solidify the country’s dominance in the  the global LNG sector then please click here for
                         increasingly competitive global market for the   NewsBase’s GLNG Monitor.

       Week 43   29•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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