Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 02 2022
P. 13
NewsBase’s Roundup Global (NRG)
GLOBAL WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global following its worst unrest since declaring inde-
(NRG), in which the reader is invited to join pendence in the early 1990s to a bid to quell pro-
our team of international editors, who provide a tests. Anti-government protests and subsequent
snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their riots have swept across the Central Asian coun-
regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new try in recent days in response to a hike in fuel
concise format, but by clicking on the headline link prices, namely for LPG.
for each section the full text will be available as
before. GLNG: Novatek signs Arctic LNG 2 supply
agreements with two Chinese firms
AfrOil: Five Nigerian firms may bid for Russia’s Novatek announced on January 11 that
Shell’s SPDC stake it had struck separate long-term supply agree-
Five Nigerian independents have shown inter- ments with two Chinese companies – Zhejiang
est in joining Shell Petroleum Development Co. Provincial Energy Group and ENN Natural
(SPDC), a joint venture that operates 19 onshore Gas. Both deals entail LNG being supplied from
oil and gas licences in the southern part of the Novatek’s Arctic LNG 2 project, which is under
country. Industry and banking sources told construction and scheduled to start production
Reuters last week that at least five Nigerian inde- in 2023.
pendents have indicated that they will submit
offers for Royal Dutch Shell’s 30% stake in SPDC LatAmOil: Ecuador lifts force majeure
before the end of January. The government of Ecuador has lifted a decla-
ration of force majeure on exports of crude via
AsianOil: Bohai overtakes Daqing as Chi- the country’s two main pipeline systems, the
na’s largest oilfield Trans-Ecuadorian Oil Pipeline System (SOTE)
The Bohai cluster offshore China has overtaken and privately owned Heavy Crude Pipeline
Daqing to become the country’s largest pro- (OCP). Energy Minister Juan Carlos Bermeo
ducing oilfield. According to state news agency made a formal announcement on Quito’s move
Xinhua, output from Bohai hit 30.132mn tonnes to end force majeure on January 6, saying that
(602,640 barrels per day) in 2021, edging out the the oil industry had taken sufficient action to
onshore Daqing, which produced 30mn tonnes mitigate the threat of soil erosion that led to a
(600,000 bpd) last year. 20-day shutdown in December.
DMEA: Refining in sight at Cabinda MEOG: INOC to take the reins
This week, DMEA looks at refining progress In this week’s MEOG, we look at Iraq’s plans to
in Angola and efforts by Aramco’s oil pipeline take control at another major southern oilfield
investors to refinance their $10.8bn loan. The as it also works to increase oil export capabili-
first of Angola’s three planned refineries is set ties. The country’s Ministry of Oil last week said
to begin operations this year, following a final that the recently re-established Iraqi National
investment decision by its British backer in late Oil Co. (INOC) would take control of Exx-
2020. Meanwhile, a group of investors that last onMobil’s stake in the West Qurna-1 oilfield.
April leased a 49% stake in Saudi Aramco’s oil Meanwhile, the Iraqi cabinet has approved the
pipeline business has hired Citi and JPMorgan framework agreement for the development of a
to help it refinance a loan arranged to support major cross-border pipeline that will transport
the deal. oil from the oil-rich Basra province to the Jorda-
nian Red Sea port of Aqaba.
EurOil: Netherlands expects to nearly dou-
ble Groningen quota NorthAmOil: Enterprise to buy Navitas for
The Dutch government said on January 6 that it $3.3bn
expected to increase the amount of gas permit- Enterprise Products Partners announced this
ted to be produced at the Groningen field in the week that it had agreed to acquire Navitas
current gas year to 7.6bn cubic metres, up from a Midstream Partners from an affiliate of War-
previous allowance of 3.9 bcm. Groningen is the burg Pincus for $3.25bn. The deal will expand
largest gas field in Europe outside Russia, but the Enterprise’s presence into the Permian Basin’s
Netherlands has been steadily winding down its Midland sub-basin, where the company does
output following years of earthquakes caused by not currently have gas or natural gas liquids
production activities. (NGLs) operations other than downstream
FSUOGM: Kazakhstan rolls back reforms
amid unrest See the archive and sign up to receive NRG Editor’s
Kazakhstan has reimposed fuel price caps Picks for free by email each week here.
Week 02 13•January•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P13