Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 02 2022
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            Oil Recovery (EOR) waterfloods. The updated   quick evaluations and hassle-free closings on
                                           five-year plan, inclusive of the acquisition,   varying acquisition sizes ranging from just a
       Tamarack Valley Energy              generates robust free funds flow of greater   few acres to thousands of acres,” continued
                                                                                Graham. “No matter what the deal size is, we
                                           than CAD1.1bn dollars at $55per barrel WTI
       announces 2022 corporate            and greater than CAD2.1bn at $70 per barrel   have the tech and expertise to accommodate
                                                                                tight deadlines.”
                                           WTI.” – Brian Schmidt, president and chief
       budget, updated five-year           executive officer.                   independent production and exploration
                                                                                  Houston, TX based Marathon Oil is an
                                           TAMARACK VALLEY ENERGY, January 13, 2022
       plan and return of capital          Rising Phoenix Royalties             company that focuses on the United States’
                                                                                most competitive resource plays. Their multi-
       framework and declaration           announces Eagle Ford Basin           basin portfolio includes the Eagle Ford in
                                                                                Texas, SCOOP and STACK in Oklahoma,
       of inaugural dividend                                                    the Permian in New Mexico, and the Bakken
                                                                                in North Dakota with a production mix of
       Tamarack Valley Energy announces that   oil and natural gas royalty      approximately 50% oil and 50% gas/NGL.
       the board of directors has approved a 2022   acquisition                   The RPR royalty acquisition process
       capital budget, pro forma the acquisition of                             includes a reservoir analysis by a third-party
       Crestwynd Exploration, of CAD250-270mn,   Rising Phoenix Royalties (RPR) reveals a 90%   geological engineering firm with expertise in
       designed to achieve significant free funds flow,   oil/10% natural gas royalty acquisition of 121   all US basins. The third-party report provides
       and generate annual production of 45,000-  net royalty acres from an undisclosed seller in   royalty owners transparency in knowing the
       46,000 boepd, enabling return of capital   the Eagle Ford Basin, Karnes County, TX.  valuation data used for the purchase offer.
       optionality and maintaining a strong balance   “For the Karnes County acquisition, we   Circumstances that cause RPR clients
       sheet.                              were fortunate to work with a client with   to divest their royalty assets include estate
         “We are excited to roll out a strong 2022   whom we had previously purchased oil and   planning, funding retirement, optimising
       plan with a continued focus of building on   gas royalties,” noted Jace Graham, RPR CEO   tax benefits, immediate financial need,
       and delivering sustainable free funds flow. Our  and Founder. “Our client appreciated the   estate liquidation, and investment portfolio
       programme is designed to provide an optimal   trusted business relationship established from   diversification.
       balance of investment across our asset base   the prior sale, the transaction transparency,   RISING PHOENIX ROYALTIES, January 13, 2022
       with the growth driven by the Clearwater, free   and our typical quick closing time.”
       funds flow maximisation in the Charlie Lake,   “Many royalty owners choose to sell to
       and decline mitigation through the Enhanced   Rising Phoenix because we’re known for our   MIDSTREAM
                                                                                Harvest Midstream signs

                                                                                PSA to acquire Arrowhead

                                                                                ST Holdings

                                                                                Today, Harvest Midstream announced the
                                                                                signing of a purchase and sale agreement
                                                                                (PSA) to acquire the remaining interest in
                                                                                Arrowhead ST Holdings (ASTH) from its
                                                                                joint venture partner. Harvest is already the
                                                                                operator of ASTH and a 25% owner of the
                                                                                joint venture. ASTH, a fully integrated Eagle
                                                                                Ford midstream business, spans the most
                                                                                active areas of the Eagle Ford. The system
                                                                                delivers to numerous crude export docks
                                                                                and into Flint Hills Corpus Christi and
                                                                                Valero Three Rivers refineries. This is part of
                                                                                Harvest’s ongoing efforts to expand its suite of
                                                                                crude oil transportation and logistics services
                                                                                for upstream and downstream customers.
                                                                                  “This is another example of our continued
                                                                                commitment to South Texas and the Gulf
                                                                                Coast. When we close this transaction, we will
                                                                                own 100% of these assets that we have safely
                                                                                and reliably operated for over a decade,” said
                                                                                Jason Rebrook, CEO of Harvest Midstream.
                                                                                “This is an exciting opportunity for Harvest
                                                                                to continue to grow and provide first-in-class
                                                                                service. We believe strongly in the outlook for

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 02   13•January•2022
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