Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 02 2022
P. 6

NorthAmOil                            PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                       NorthAmOil

       Enbridge launches hydrogen blending project

        ONTARIO          ENBRIDGE Gas announced on January 13 that  closer to its goal of net-zero emissions by 2050.
                         a hydrogen blending project that it has described  Both Enbridge and Canada as a whole have also
                         as the first of its kind in North America was now  set a deadline of 2050 for meeting their net-zero
                         fully operational.                   emissions targets.
                           The CAD5.2mn ($4.2mn) pilot blending pro-  Through this pilot project, Enbridge said it
                         ject was launched in partnership with Cummins  would initially provide a maximum hydrogen
                         and with support from Sustainable Development  blended content of up to 2% by volume of the
                         Technology Canada (SDTC), the Canadian Gas  natural gas supplied to its Markham customers
                         Association (CGA) and NGIF Capital. The pro-  in the third quarter of 2021. It noted that the
                         ject is serving the city of Markham, Ontario,  pilot project would not affect the standard mar-
                         where Enbridge’s natural gas system serves  ket cost of the gas.
                         around 3,600 customers. It involved enhance-  The company anticipates that the success of
                         ments to the existing Markham power-to-gas  the pilot project will place it in a position to val-
                         facility, which Enbridge and Cummins built in  idate and pursue larger-scale hydrogen-blend-
                         2018 in an effort to help balance Ontario’s elec-  ing activities in other parts of its distribution
                         tricity supply and demand by storing surplus  system.
                         electricity as pure hydrogen until it was needed.  Hydrogen blending remains challenging,
                           Now some of this hydrogen is being blended  though, particularly where blends with a higher
                         into Enbridge’s gas system in a bid to lower  hydrogen content are involved. The more hydro-
                         greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from that gas  gen is being blended, the more infrastructure
                         network.                             upgrades are likely to be required, and pipeline
                           Enbridge said the project would eliminate up  operators are only now beginning to test how
                         to 117mn tonnes per year (tpy) of carbon diox-  much hydrogen their existing gas systems can
                         ide (CO2) emissions, taking Markham a step  currently handle.™

       Enterprise to expand in Midland Basin

       with $3.3bn Navitas acquisition

        PERMIAN BASIN    ENTERPRISE Products Partners announced on  on commodity prices, according to Enterprise’s
                         January 10 that it had agreed to acquire Navitas  statement. The companies estimate that the ded-
                         Midstream Partners from an affiliate of Warburg  icated acreage contains over 15 years of drilling
                         Pincus for $3.25bn.                  inventory based on current rig counts, or up to
                           The deal will expand Enterprise’s presence  10,000 drilling locations.
                         into the Permian Basin’s Midland sub-basin,   Enterprise anticipates that based on the cur-
                         where the company does not currently have gas  rent outlook for commodity prices, the deal will
                         or natural gas liquids (NGLs) operations other  add around $0.18-0.22 per unit to its distributa-
                         than downstream pipelines.           ble cash flow in 2023.
                           “This acquisition will give us an entry point   The Permian, where drillers are primarily
                         into the basin,” stated the co-CEO of Enterprise’s  targeting oil, is known for large volumes of asso-
                         general partner, Jim Teague.         ciated gas production. Drilling in the Midland is
                           Navitas provides natural gas gathering, treat-  currently estimated to account for roughly 20%
                         ing and processing services in the core of the  of active onshore rigs in the US.
                         Midland Basin. The company’s assets include   Enterprise’s acquisition comes at a time when
                         around 1,750 miles (2,816 km) of pipelines.  gas prices and demand are surging. Front-month
                         Meanwhile, the completion of the Leiker plant  US gas futures were trading at around $4.09 per
                         – expected in the first quarter of this year – will  million British thermal units ($113.13 per 1,000
                         bring its cryogenic gas processing capacity to  cubic metres) on January 10.
                         over 1bn cubic feet (28.3mn cubic metres) per   “It seems like a strong deal” for Enterprise, a
                         day.                                 managing director at Mizuho Securities, Gabriel
                           The Navitas system is anchored by long-term  Moreen, was quoted by Bloomberg as saying.
                         contracts and acreage dedications with a group  He added that Navitas’ assets integrate well with
                         of over 40 independent and publicly listed pro-  Enterprise’s existing gas liquids infrastructure.
                         ducers. It is also supported by fee-based con-  “For the industry as a whole, it shows consolida-
                         tracts that provide additional revenue depending  tion is happening – slowly but surely.”™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 02   13•January•2022
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