Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 02 2022
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  Oil sands producers
                                                                                                  are benefiting from
                                                                                                  additional pipeline
                                                                                                  capacity that allows
                                                                                                  more of their crude to
                                                                                                  reach the Gulf Coast.

                         Joining the club                     oil sands crude to reach the US Gulf Coast.
                         CNRL has significant conventional operations,   As a result of these developments, exports of
                         and these are anticipated to drive 2022 pro-  oil sands crude to Asia have reached record highs
                         duction growth of roughly 60,000 barrels of  according to oil analytics firm Kpler. Data from
                         oil equivalent per day (boepd) while oil sands  the company show that India is the leading des-
                         output is affected by planned turnarounds.  tination for exports of Canadian crude, followed
                         Nonetheless, its capex budget increase – and the  by China and South Korea.
                         growth capital that will be allocated to the oil   Canadian crude exports from the Gulf Coast
                         sands – bodes well for the region.   averaged 25,000 bpd in 2018, rising to aver-
                           Indeed, CNRL is the last of Canada’s four oil  age around 70,000 bpd in both 2019 and 2020.
                         sands giants to unveil its capex budget for 2022,  According to Kpler, shipments of heavy crude
                         and its planned spending increase is among the  jumped to more than 266,000 bpd in December
                         larger ones in percentage terms. Only Imperial,  after averaging over 180,000 over the course of
                         which unveiled a 2022 capex budget that would  2021, illustrating the rise in Canadian crude vol-
                         mark a 24% rise on 2021 in December, is plan-  umes reaching the Gulf Coast.
                         ning to step up spending more dramatically.   News service Bloomberg described this as a
                         According to the announcements made last  “sea change” for Canada’s oil industry.
                         month, Suncor’s 2022 capex budget marks an   “Looking ahead, Canadian crude exports
                         increase of 12.4% on the mid-point of its 2021  out of the US Gulf should continue to show
                         guidance, while for Cenovus the rise is 11.3%.  strength,” a Kpler oil analyst, Matt Smith, was
                           However, Imperial is also set to spend the  quoted by Bloomberg as saying. “With Venezue-
                         smallest amount of the four companies over-  lan crude exports having tanked in recent years,
                         all, with a budget of CAD1.4bn ($1.1bn) for  and now with the prospect of Mexican crude
                         2022. Meanwhile Suncor and Cenovus have  being taken off the market, Canadian crude   Oil sands
                         set out plans to spend CAD4.7bn ($3.8bn) and  appears to be one of the leading beneficiaries of
                         CAD2.8bn ($2.2bn) respectively.      these changing dynamics.”               producers,
                           Nonetheless, each company is stepping up   Canadian oil sands crude exports stand to   despite stepping
                         spending by hundreds of millions of dollars, and  be boosted further when the Trans Mountain
                         this illustrates how much more favourable the  expansion to the British Columbia coast enters   up spending, are
                         operating environment looks now compared  service, currently targeted for December 2022.
                         with recent years.                   The link will provide a direct route for oil sands  still holding back
                                                              crude to be exported from Canada without being
                         Pipeline boost                       transported through the US.          from investing in
                         The oil sands giants are also benefiting from new   Oil sands producers, despite stepping up   any new projects.
                         takeaway options. At the end of 2021, Enbridge’s  spending, are still holding back from investing
                         Line 3 replacement pipeline came into service  in any new projects, opting instead to expand
                         after extensive delays, adding roughly 390,000  existing assets. This can be attributed in part to
                         bpd of capacity from Alberta to Wisconsin.  worries over further oil price volatility, but also
                           Oil sands producers received a further boost  to concerns over how Canada’s environmental
                         with the recent reversal of Marathon Pipe Line’s  targets can be balanced with further oil sands
                         Capline, which started interim service from  development. However, if global oil demand and
                         Illinois to Louisiana in December, reaching full  prices keep rising, the appetite for output from
                         service of an initial 102,000 bpd on January 1.  the oil sands will return, even if environmental
                         Together with the Line 3 replacement, this pipe-  opposition to further development of the region
                         line has allowed additional volumes of Canadian  will remain as strong as ever.™

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