Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 02 2022
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       the Eagle Ford as a top producing oil basin.”  on the well pad with roughly 50% less   software portfolio will add completion
         The ASTH system includes about 515 miles  physical footprint on location and operations   information and diagnostics to our
       of pipeline with a total throughput capacity of   below 85db sound levels. The contract will   current handling of production data. It
       380,000 bpd. The system is a key link between   also employ innovative high pressure hose   will be particularly useful in the context of
       the Eagle Ford Basin producers and Corpus   technology that further minimizes the safety   unconventional plays,” said Olivier Houzé,
       Christi, the leading crude export market in   risks on pad and drives higher pumping   Kappa’s managing director. “Reveal’s elastic
       the United States.                  efficiencies. With over six years of successful   models to characterise fractures will also
         Pending regulatory approval, the sale is   electric frac operating experience and two   complement Kappa’s diffusion models
       expected to close in the first quarter of 2022.  years of electric Simul-frac successes within   for the interpretation of pressure and
       HARVEST MIDSTREAM, January 11, 2022  Evolution, the teams are well-positioned to   production data. This will result in more
                                           partner on continuous innovation within the   efficient workflows by integrating completion
                                           completions industry.                diagnostic, reservoir and production data on
       SERVICES                               “We could not be more excited that   a single platform, a decades-long challenge
                                           Evolution was chosen after an extensive,   for the industry. This development axis
       Evolution Well Services             multi-year selection process. We look forward   complements and will ultimately converge
                                                                                with our global move towards automation.”
                                           to providing high-efficiency, lower carbon,
       partners with a Permian             and safe Simul-frac operations for our new   KAPPA ENGINEERING, January 07, 2022
                                           partners in the Permian Basin,” said Steven
       leader on lower carbon              Anderson, president and chief executive   MOVES
                                           officer of Evolution Well Services.
       electric simul-frac                 EVOLUTION WELL SERVICES, January 11, 2022  ICE Midland WTI American

       operations                          KAPPA acquires Reveal

       Evolution Well Services announces a long-  Energy Services               Gulf Coast futures contract
       term electric hydraulic fracturing contract                              to be live for trading on
       with a Permian Basin operator to begin in Q4   Kappa Engineering, a reservoir and
       2022. The contract will employ Evolution’s   production engineering software company,   January 24
       patented electric fracturing technology   announces today the acquisition of Reveal
       coupled with an innovative Simul-frac   Energy Services, a leader in integrated   Intercontinental Exchange, a leading global
       completions technique.              diagnostics and completion evaluation.  provider of data, technology, and market
         The electric fracturing technology will be   “We appreciate the Kappa team’s   infrastructure, Magellan Midstream Partners
       fuelled by 100% natural gas via aero-derivative  confidence in our company, and we’re excited   and Enterprise Products Partners today
       turbines rather than conventional fleets that   about joining them to further the industry’s   announced that the ICE Midland WTI
       rely on diesel engines. By switching to a lower   completion and reservoir engineering domain   American Gulf Coast (Midland WTI AGC)
       carbon fuel, the Evolution Well Services team   knowledge. By developing more powerful   futures contract is expected to be live for
       will help reduce the GHG emissions required   data analysis solutions with our combined   trading beginning January 24.
       to complete wells in the Permian Basin. The   expertise, operators can achieve even greater   The contract (ICE: HOU) will be
       contract highlights the operator’s focus on   asset value,” said Sudhendu Kashikar, CEO   deliverable at both the Magellan East
       leveraging industry-leading technology to   of Reveal Energy Services. “We’re grateful for   Houston (MEH) terminal and Enterprise
       lower the emissions of its operations.  the industry’s acceptance of our services and   Crude Houston (ECHO) terminal, which
         In addition to reducing the carbon   software during the past six years.”  are collectively supplied by over four million
       footprint, the electric fleet is designed to   “With the help of Reveal’s team, the   barrels per day of Midland-quality WTI crude
       provide a safer operation for the employees   integration of ORCHID® in the Kappa   pipeline capacity. The first contract month to

       Week 02   13•January•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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