Page 12 - MEOG Week 41 2021
P. 12

MEOG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

         The project to develop and build new   was also supported by a similarly strong gain   The rationale for India’s membership
       homes in Ahmadi represents the first stage   in manufacturing sector production gaining   of IEA is that it is the world’s third-largest
       within the framework of a huge housing   by 5% y/y in August.            consumer of energy. According to the IEA,
       project. The future stages of this project   While electricity and gas output retreated   India’s oil demand would double in the next
       include the construction of 1,800 housing   by 4% y/y in August erasing some of the   two decades. This entails deepening strategic
       units with integrated service facilities,   industrial production gains made by the   energy ties between India and Gulf countries,
       which would achieve the company’s goal of   mining and quarries sub-index.  which are the main source of India’s oil and
       upgrading the city of Ahmadi and providing   On monthly basis, IPI’s 3.6% m/m rise was   gas requirements.
       adequate housing care for its employees.  broad-based in August 2021. The powerful   “As a natural corollary to the India-IEA
         The new homes have been designed to   mining and quarries sector output increased   Strategic Partnership, Dr Birol invited India
       meet all the living needs of their residents,   by 1% m/m due to higher m/m oil production   to deepen its cooperation with the IEA by
       while at the same time preserving the   in response to rising demand. While growing   becoming a full member,” the Indian Minister
       distinctive architectural and heritage character  global demand for petrochemicals boosted   said after his talks.
       of Ahmadi City.                     manufacturing sector production by 13%   India has been an “Association Country” of
         It is worth mentioning that Ahmadi City,   m/m. Likewise, electricity and water supplies   the IEA since 2017 and signed a “Framework
       since its inception, has been associated with   increased by 4.4% m/m in August on rising   for Strategic Partnership” with the IEA in
       KOC, which has a leading position in the   domestic industrial and consumer demand.  January.
       society and has wellknown economic and   BNE                             WAM
       social roles.
         The city will witness a large-scale   India to raise its Strategic  Abdul Jabbar sees crude
       development movement in the near future
       within the framework of the Ahmadi City   Petroleum Reserve by 10        prices topping out at $85
       Development Project, which is one of the
       vital projects of the state. This project aims to   times                Oil prices should stabilize around current
       rehabilitate and develop the city in line with                           levels, reflecting a balanced market, Iraqi oil
       its historical status and of being the oil city in   India is set to expand its Strategic Petroleum   minister Ihsan Ismaael said Oct. 13.
       Kuwait.                             Reserve ten-fold as part of a step-by-step   “The market should be balanced within
       ARAB TIMES                          process of becoming a full member of the   the second half,” Ismaael said on the sidelines
                                           International Energy Agency (IEA).   of the Russia Energy Week conference in
                                              The IEA requires member countries to   Moscow. “For us, it’s balanced. For consumers,
       OIL                                 maintain national strategic oil reserves of at   we think the price will not be higher, and it
                                           least 90 days requirement. India’s strategic oil   will be balanced around $85/b, we hope.”
       Higher oil output boosts            reserves currently account for only 9.5 days of   at three-year highs in recent days, with the
                                                                                  S&P Global Platts has assessed Dated Brent
                                           its needs. Hence a steady, but gradual raise in
       Saudi industrial production         the level of reserves.               benchmark reaching as high as $84.43/b on
                                                                                Oct. 11.
                                              Oil from Abu Dhabi produced by the Abu
       in August 2021                      Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) now   on the producer bloc to release more crude
                                                                                  The rally has prompted the US to call
                                           accounts for the main foreign component of
       Saudi Arabia’s industrial output surged higher   India’s reserves in Mangalore. An agreement   into the market to cool off prices -- a request
       in August 2021 with the Industrial Production   to store Abu Dhabi oil in India was signed   rebuffed by OPEC and its allies in their
       Index (IPI) growing strongly by 3.6% m/m   during the visit of Prime Minister Narendra   meeting Oct. 4, when they agreed to stick to
       and 5.8% y/y, reported the General Authority   Modi to the UAE in February 2018.  their original plans to increase output by just
       for Statistics.                        Steps to raise the level of India’s Strategic   400,000 bpd.
         The y/y growth in IPI was primarily driven   Petroleum Reserve are a sequel to a meeting   Internal OPEC+ analysis seen by Platts
       by a 6.5% y/y growth in the heavy-weight   this week between India’s Minister for   indicates that while the market is currently
       mining and quarries sub-index, which has a   Petroleum and Natural Gas, Hardeep Singh   undersupplied, a surplus could emerge as
       three-quarters weighting in the overall index.  Puri and the IEA’s Executive Director Fatih   soon as December, and delegates have said the
         Saudi Arabia’s increased crude oil output   Birol. During their discussions, the Executive   alliance prefers a more conservative approach,
       from 8.9mn barrels per day in August 2020 to   Director invited India to become a full   given the uncertainties around recovery rates
       9.5mn barrels per day in August 2021. The IPI   member of the IEA.       from the pandemic in key regions.

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 41   13•October•2021
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