Page 11 - MEOG Week 41 2021
P. 11

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

                                           Iran says it needs uranium           include indirect negotiations with the US
       POLICY                                                                   reviving the JCPOA with world powers that
       Iraq negotiating                    to make radioisotopes                Biden administration, which wants to reverse
                                                                                Trump’s abandonment of the deal if the right
       improvement of West                 Iran has built up a stockpile of more than   path to do that can be found.
                                           120 kilograms of 20%-enriched uranium,
                                                                                  On October 10, German Chancellor
       Qurna-2 contract                    Mohammad Eslami, head of the country’s   Angela Merkel said the coming weeks would
                                           atomic energy organisation said on October
                                                                                be decisive for the future of the JCPOA,
       Iraq hopes Lukoil will keep its stake in the   10.                       adding that every day that passes without
       West Qurna-2 project, Oil Minister Ihsan   Tehran argues that it needs the fuel for the   Tehran responding to US overtures would
       Abdul Jabbar told reporters on the sidelines   Tehran reactor—originally supplied to Iran by   result in Iran enriching more uranium.
       of the Russian Energy Week, adding that   the US in the 1960s—to make radioisotopes   Speaking during a visit to Israel, the
       the country is negotiating improvement of   for use in medical treatments and agriculture,   outgoing chancellor said Russian President
       economic conditions of the project, Trend   but under the 2015 nuclear deal, or JCPOA,   Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi
       reports with reference to TASS .    Iran was not meant to enrich uranium above   Jinping also had a responsibility to help to
         “We are negotiating improvement of   3.67%. The level needed for use in an atomic   push Iran back to the negotiating table.
       conditions of the project now. We hope they   bomb is 90%.               BNE
       will keep the stake in West Qurna-2,” he said   “We have passed 120 kilograms,” Eslami
       when asked how the negotiations on sale of   said. “We have more than that figure. Our
       part of Lukoil’s share in the project are going.  people know well that [western powers] were   COMPANIES
         The Russian oil major Lukoil is involved   meant to give us the enriched fuel at 20% to
       in the development of West Qurna-2 field,   use in the Tehran reactor, but they haven’t   Homes built for KOC
       one of the world’s largest fields located in   done so.
       the southern part of Iraq, 65 km north-west   “If our colleagues do not do it, we would   employees
       of Basra. Its initial recoverable reserves are   naturally have problems with the lack of fuel
       estimated at 14bn barrels. Lukoil signed a   for the Tehran reactor.”    Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) has completed
       services contract for the development and   In September, the UN’s International   the construction of 159 new homes in
       production at West Qurna-2 in 2010.  Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) estimated that   Ahmadi City as part of the company’s efforts
         CEO of Lukoil Vagit Alekperov told   Iran had 84.3kg of uranium enriched to 20%,   to provide adequate and modern housing for
       reporters this summer that the company   up from 62.8kg in May.          the company’s employees, reports Al-Anba
       had discussed a partial sale of its stake in   Under the JCPOA, China, France,   daily.
       the West Qurna-2 project with the Iraqi   Germany, the UK and the US consented   The construction of these houses in South
       authorities, adding that it saw a huge interest   to removing major sanctions against Iran   Ahmadi was completed according to three
       in the project. However, the Iraqi Oil Ministry   if Tehran verifiably restricted its nuclear   modern and sophisticated models. However,
       insisted on Lukoil’s keeping its participation   development programme. But ex-US   the heritage of the city on which it was built in
       in the project. Consequently, the company   president Donald Trump pulled Washington   the past was preserved.
       continued negotiations on improvement   out of the deal in 2018, even though Tehran   According to an official source from KOC,
       of economic conditions at West Qurna-2,   was in full compliance with it. In response, the   the task of developing Ahmadi City is not
       particularly on the Yamama accumulation,   Iranians have gradually abandoned JCPOA   easy. While preserving the heritage of the city
       Alekperov said.                     commitments.                         on which it was originally built, it is required
       TREND                                 On October 8, the Iranian foreign minister,   to develop it using the latest technology in
                                           Hossein Amir Abdollahian, reiterated that   the world in order to join the list of modern
                                           Iran would “soon” return to talks aimed at   integrated smart cities.

       Week 41   13•October•2021                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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