Page 13 - MEOG Week 41 2021
P. 13

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

         OPEC+ ministers next plan to meet Nov. 4   office in Sharjah and consolidating its Middle   integrated Gas Master Plan, which seeks
       to decide on December production levels.  East-based staff in Abu Dhabi.  to ramp up natural gas supplies to support
         Iraq is the second-largest crude producer   Many staffers are said to be “concerned”   several industries across the United Arab
       in OPEC behind Saudi Arabia and the third-  about the move from Sharjah to Abu Dhabi,   Emirates. The contractor is also said to
       largest in the wider OPEC+ alliance behind   even though both locations are in the United   be involved in several Adnoc tenders that
       Russia. Iraq pumped 4.18 million bpd of   Arab Emirates.                 lend more confidence to its Abu Dhabi
       crude in September, according to the latest   It could not be confirmed whether any   consolidation move, Upstream understands.
       Platts survey of OPEC+ output.      jobs would be lost as a result of this corporate   One Malaysian project it is currently
       S&P PLATTS                          reorganisation and, if so, how many people   tendering for is the front-end engineering
                                           would be searching for new positions.  and design-to-engineering, procurement,
                                              While not completely turning its back on   construction and commissioning contract
       SERVICES                            the Southeast Asian market, Saipem intends   for a newbuild floating liquefied natural gas
                                           to consolidate its strengths around the Middle   vessel for national oil company Petronas.
       Saipem shuts shop in                East while availing itself of operational   Saipem, which has teamed up with China’s
                                                                                Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding for this bid,
                                           synergies within the company.
       Malaysia and consolidates           Aramco’s lucrative long-term agreement with   is vying against JGC with Samsung Heavy
                                              Saipem is a key member of Saudi
                                                                                Industries and the Technip Energies-Daewoo
       in Middle East                      international offshore contractors that are   Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering combine
                                                                                for the lucrative prize.
                                           together responsible for all of the kingdom’s
       Italian offshore and onshore contracting giant   brownfield and maintenance works.  The   Saipem’s Karimun yard – its main
       Saipem has shut down its Kuala Lumpur,   Italian contractor also has a significant   construction facility in Asia – has an annual
       Malaysia office and is scaling back its support   presence in Qatar and is involved in multiple   capacity of 10 million man-hours and is
       facilities in Indonesia after failing to secure   tenders involving the giant North Field, worth   capable of building jackets weighing up to
       significant contracts in Southeast Asia over   billions of dollars.      30,000 tonnes and modules topping the scales
       the past five years.                   One project watcher said Saipem aims to   at up to 40,000 tonnes.
         Many Indonesian field development   further expand its footprint in Abu Dhabi,   Comprising a marine supply base and a
       projects on Saipem’s hit-list to date have   which is likely to offer multiple big-ticket   fabrication area of more than 780,000 square
       failed to get beyond the drawing board in the   developments in the next few years.  metres and with an annual production
       wake of the two most recent oil price crashes   A second person also said that the   capacity of 35,000 tonnes, Karimun is one of
       and fallout from the ongoing coronavirus   contractor is pinning its hope on the buoyant   the largest fabrication facilities for the energy
       pandemic. It is understood the contractor will   Abu Dhabi market, with the multi-billion   industry in the Asia Pacific region and it also
       retain its fabrication facility on the Indonesian   dollar Hail & Ghasha sour gas development   serves projects worldwide.
       island of Karimun, some 30 kilometres from   likely to be tendered next year.   The contractor has six other yards around
       Singapore, although its Jakarta office will   Saipem scooped an engineering,   the globe – in its native Italy, Angola, Saudi
       operate as a smaller satellite office of its new   procurement and construction deal earlier   Arabia, Brazil, Congo-Brazzaville and Nigeria.
       APAC and Middle East base in Abu Dhabi.  this year, worth $510 million from Adnoc   Saipem said it “preferred not to comment”
         Several sources with direct knowledge of   Sour Gas for the expansion of its Shah sour   in response to Upstream’s request for
       Saipem’s reorganisation told Upstream of the   gas facility in Abu Dhabi.  The Shah expansion  comment regarding the closing of its Malaysia
       closure of the Kuala Lumpur office, adding   project is a crucial part of state-owned giant   office.
       that the company is also scaling down its   Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (Adnoc)’s   UPSTREAM

       Week 41   13•October•2021                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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