Page 12 - EurOil Week 06 2023
P. 12

EurOil                                            POLICY                                               EurOil

       Turkey wrestles with damaged energy

       infrastructure after deadly earthquake

        TURKEY           INFRASTRUCTURE  companies in south-  pipelines is routed to Ceyhan and other ports in
                         eastern Turkey are racing to inspect and repair  the area from where it is exported. Pumping at
       OMV Petrom may owe   damaged oil and gas pipelines and electricity  Ceyhan, the main export terminal for Azeri and
       the funds to the budget.  transmission systems following massive destruc-  Iraqi crude, was suspended while an inspection
                         tion and death caused by two huge earthquakes  of the facilities was made and electricity supplies
                         and aftershocks on Monday and Tuesday.  were cut off.
                           State-owned petroleum pipeline company   Subsequently, crude flows through the pipe-
                         Botas reported that earthquakes centered in the  lines were resumed and by the evening of Febru-
                         Gaziantep and Kahramanmaras districts had  ary 7, it was reported that tanker loading from
                         impacted at least 10 cities. Turkish media said  storage tanks had restarted at Ceyhan. How-
                         13 million people are affected. Rescue efforts are  ever, a close evaluation of the facility’s status is
                         being hampered by damaged roads, bad weather  expected to continue. Exports from Ceyhan
                         and poor communications.             are been reported as averaging 1 million b/d.
                           The earthquake prompted Turkish President  The Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) and
                         Recep Tayyip Erdogan to declare a three-month  Iraqi government export on average more than
                         state of emergency in the affected areas.  400,000 b/d through the Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipe-
                           Botas stopped gas flows through the natural  line to Ceyhan.
                         gas pipelines in the region while damage was   Operations at the port of Dortyol, from
                         assessed and repairs made. It said that some  where oil products, LPG and biofuels are
                         damage had been made to a gas transmission  exported, were also suspended. Dortyol is
                         pipeline and that gas flows through it had been  across Iskenderun Bay from Ceyhan and its
                         stopped. Electricity infrastructure was seriously  operations also consist of bunkering, storage
                         damaged in many places and power supplies  and blending.
                         were also halted to prevent further catastrophe   Two massive earthquakes registering at 7.8
                         despite the urgent need for electricity by rescue  and 7.5 on the Richter scale hit the provinces
                         teams.                               of Gaziantep, Kahramanmaras and Hatay on
                           Major oil pipeline systems run through  Monday, February 6 and another large quake
                         that region of Turkey: the Baku-Tbilisi-Cey-  hit the region on Tuesday altogether resulting
                         han (BTC) crude oil pipeline, Kirkuk-Ceyhan  in thousands of deaths. The quake also caused
                         (Iraq-Turkey) and Batman-Dortyol pipelines.  major destruction and loss of life in northern
                         Botas said that no damage was sustained to the  Syria, which is still in a state of civil war, making
                         main pipelines, but assessments will continue to  rescue efforts more difficult than they usually
                         be made. Most of the oil transported via these  would be. ™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 06   08•February•2023
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