Page 10 - EurOil Week 06 2023
P. 10

EurOil                                 PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           EurOil

       Trade union files legal complaint

       against Italian LNG project

        ITALY            ITALIAN trade union USB has filed a legal com-  filed a legal challenge against the LNG pro-
                         plaint against plans by gas grid operator Snam to  ject, citing safety and environmental risks and
       USB cites         construct an LNG terminal in the Tuscan port of  the impact on local businesses. That challenge
       “environmental crimes.”  Piombino, it said last week, citing serious “envi-  included a “precautionary request” to suspend
                         ronmental crimes.”                   construction work. But in December, an Italian
                           USB accused Snam of committing these  administrative court ruled against the request to
                         crimes while performing construction work. It  pause work, and it scheduled a new hearing on
                         criticised the decision to position the terminal in  the matter on March 8 to consider longer-term
                         an area that had already been polluted by an old  safety issues.
                         steel plant, stating that regasification processes   Oil and gas projects have long faced excessive
                         would further increase pollution and cause “seri-  red tape and legal challenges in Italy because of
                         ous and irreparable injuries.”       their perceived impact on the environment. But
                           Snam has not commented on the filing.  against the backdrop of Europe’s worst energy
                           Italy’s government instructed Snam to pur-  crisis in living memory, the government is look-
                         chase the terminal as part of a push to strengthen  ing to fast-track a raft of new LNG projects.
                         the country’s energy security by expanding LNG  FSRUs have been given preference over onshore
                         import capacity to replace Russian pipeline sup-  terminals, as they can be deployed more quickly,
                         plies. The floating storage and regasification  with the vessels sometimes being converted
                         unit (FSRU) is due to be up and running in April  from LNG carriers.
                         under the government’s plan. It is set to receive   The head of Italian energy giant Eni said in
                         supplies from several African countries.  November that the country would ideally need
                           USB said its legal complaint was filed at the  four new LNG terminals, adding to its three
                         Livorno prosecutor’s office. In November last  existing ones which have a combined capacity of
                         year, the Piombino city administration also  17bn cubic metres per year. ™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 06   08•February•2023
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