Page 5 - EurOil Week 06 2023
P. 5

EurOil                                       COMMENTARY                                               EurOil

       Jury still out on the effectiveness

       of the oil price cap scheme on

       Russian exports

       It is too early to tell whether the oil price cap will prove effective.

        RUSSIA           THE oil market took a double shock on Decem-  customers. Add the fears of a global recession,
                         ber 5, when an EU ban on importing Russian  and these two factors have kept the contract price
       WHAT:             oil and an oil price cap scheme were introduced  for Russian oil below the $60 level where the
       The EU placed an   simultaneously. That was followed by a prod-  cap kicks in. Consequently Russian oil exports
       embargo and a price cap   uct ban on February 5 which has only just gone  have been able to continue largely unimpeded,
       on Russian oil exports in   into effect. Analysts say that it is still too early  but there has been a rejiggering of the global oil
       December.         to assess the effectiveness of these sanctions, or  trade.
                         predict how much damage they will do to the   “For now, the jury on the effectiveness of the
       WHY:              Russian budget.                      cap is still out. Russia’s growing “shadow fleet”
       The bloc wants to   “This overlap was, of course, by design, since  of oil tankers is cause for concern, as it affords
       reduce its own imports   one of the original motivations for the cap was  Russia the means to ship oil outside the cap as
       on Russian crude while   to keep Russian oil flowing to global markets as  prices rise,” says Brooks.
       also limiting how much   the EU embargo took effect, " says Robin Brooks,   Brooks says that the oil price cap will proba-
       revenue the country   chief economist with Institute of International  bly become more relevant as the year wears on.
       can make from sales   Finance (IIF). “However, this overlap now also  As shipping companies work through the logis-
       elsewhere.        means that it is premature to make a full assess-  tics of running the new routes and Russia’s own
                         ment of the cap.”                    fleet grows, the discount on Urals blend com-
       WHAT NEXT:          The embargo has had an effect insofar as  pared to Brent is likely to narrow again.
       The price cap is hard   instead of a few days steaming from the Baltic   At the same time, if global recession fears
       to assess as Russia is   ports to western European ports, Russian oil  fade, and China’s economy in particular bounces
       offering greater discounts   now has to travel halfway round the world to  back from its COVID shutdown last year, then
       anyway to Asian buyers.   Asian markets, drastically increasing the cost.  oil prices may rise, both of which will lift the
       Caps on petroleum   The oil price cap is hard to assess as well, as  price of Russian crude up towards the price cap
       products could have a   these longer delivery routes have also increased  level of $60.
       harder impact.    the discount that Russia must offer Asian   “We expect that the Urals discount will

       Week 06   08•February•2023               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P5
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