Page 7 - EurOil Week 06 2023
P. 7

EurOil                                       COMMENTARY                                               EurOil

                         Oil products ban                       However, the experts say that the shift in the
                         Over the weekend, the embargo and price ceil-  market has been big and it will need a few months
                         ing for the much more widely distributed Rus-  to find a new equilibrium. So far, the shipment
                         sian oil products came into force, the impact of  route for Russian diesel has hardly changed –
                         which experts say are even harder to judge.  according to Goldman Sachs, two weeks before
                           Until now, Europe buys half of all its imported  the embargo came into force, only about 10% of
                         diesel from Russia, and Russia sends 40% of  the volumes that Russia traditionally supplied
                         its oil products to the EU. Despite this heavy  to Europe ceased to be delivered by the usual
                         interdependency in the short term, experts do  routes. By comparison, two weeks before the oil
                         not expect an immediate shock for the market.  embargo went into effect on December 5, Russia
                         Nevertheless, like crude oil, the make-up and  diverted 50% of its oil.
                         functioning of the products market is in for big   The business as normal for diesel highlights
                         changes.                             Europe’s dependence on Russian diesel and also
                           On February 5 new rules were introduced,  the high level the cap was set up to avoid inter-
                         including a ban on the transportation of Russian  rupting these deliveries for the meantime. It also
                         oil products by sea, as well as a ban on insurance  suggests that Russia is finding it hard to find new
                         of such transportation, the provision of broker-  customers for its diesel.
                         age and financial services if the cost of oil prod-  “This may be a sign that finding new markets
                         ucts exceeds a products price cap.   for oil products is physically more difficult than
                           Different oil products have different price  for oil,” Alan Gelder, vice president of British
                         caps: for those traded at a premium to crude  consulting firm Wood Mackenzie, told The Bell.
                         oil (such as diesel and gasoline), the ceiling will  “Russian diesel will have to be transported much
                         be $100 per barrel; for cheaper ones traded at a  further.”
                         discount to crude oil (for example, fuel oil), $45.   Wood Mackenzie forecasts that diesel exports
                         The caps of $100 and $45 implies a discount  from Russia will fall from 730,000 bpd by about
                         on oil products of about 25% to the price in  200,000 bpd this quarter compared to the fourth
                         North-Western Europe, The Bell reports.  quarter of 2022.
                           However, analysts warn that since the prod-  If no new buyers for Russia’s oil products can
                         ucts ban and cap were introduced the market and  be found then production will have to be cut, but
                         prices have become extremely opaque, making  so far there are no plans for that. However, if Rus-
                         it hard to say what prices products are actually  sian diesel fails to enter new markets, the short-
                         being sold at. Europe is particularly dependent  age will lead to another surge in energy prices
                         on the import of Russian diesel.     for consumers in Europe this summer. Motorists
                           As the product sanctions were designed to  and truck drivers are especially at risk.
                         not only reduce the Kremlin’s export revenues   Last year, Russia supplied Europe with about
                         but also to avoid shortages on the market, the  700,000 barrels per day (bpd) of diesel and
                         system has been set up so that Russia can redi-  that amount of diesel will be hard to redirect
                         rect its product flows to new markets. For exam-  in the short term. Europe will not run out of
                         ple, both Turkey and Morocco saw jumps in the  fuel and has built up a safety cushion to ease
                         import of Russian diesel in December and are  the blow, but like with crude oil, the structure
                         likely to turn into major transit routes for these  of the market is being drastically remade with
                         exports. There is nothing in the rules that pre-  unpredictable consequences and the dynam-
                         vents this and Russian oil is being refined in  ics of the fluctuating prices and the impact of
                         India and the resulting “non-Russian” oil prod-  caps on these will make a large difference, say
                         ucts sent to Europe.                 experts. ™

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