Page 13 - MEOG Week 07 2022
P. 13

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       OIL                                 “Regarding energy and oil markets, the   GAS
                                           Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques [Salman]
       Iran’s crude oil output hits        stressed the importance of maintaining   Israel will not object if
                                           balance and stability in the oil markets,” it
       2.5mn bpd in January                says. But it adds a key detail not mentioned in   exported gas reaches
                                           the White House’s version. The Saudi version
       Based on OPEC’s most recent monthly report,   says King Salman “highlight[ed] the role of   Lebanon, minister says
       Iran’s crude oil output during the first month   the historic OPEC Plus agreement … and the
       of 2022 hit 2.503 million barrels for each day,   importance of maintaining the agreement.”  Israel’s energy minister said on Tuesday that
       recording a 21-percent rise in comparison to   Experts say that pointing to the   it would not be a problem if Israeli natural
       the figure for December of the preceding year.  Organization of the Petroleum Exporting   gas that is exported to Egypt makes its way to
         According to the report quoting secondary   Countries’ agreement — the arrangement by   Lebanon, a long-time enemy that is dealing
       sources, the country’s crude oil production   which oil-producing member countries set   with an energy crisis.
       stood at 2.482 million bpd of crude oil in   oil prices, and over which Saudi Arabia exerts   Lebanon has already signed a deal with
       December of last year.              major influence as the largest oil producer —   Jordan that aims to ease crippling power
         The report showed that the Islamic   is a signal that the kingdom again declined to   shortages by transmitting electricity across
       Republic’s median crude oil production   increase production.            neighbouring Syria, and it is looking to get gas
       for the October-December period of 2021   Shortly after the call, the International   from Egypt as well. read more
       reached 2.480 million bpd demonstrating a   Energy Agency attributed soaring gas prices   Egypt produces its own gas but still needs
       40,000-bpd rise in comparison to the figure   to Saudi Arabia’s “chronic” refusal to increase   imports from the Israeli offshore natural
       for the January-March of the current year.  production.                  gas field Leviathan. Leviathan also supplies
         OPEC set the median Iranian crude oil   “My read of the difference is basically   Jordan.
       production for 2021 at 2.405 million bpd,   that what happened is that the White House   “There’s a big energy crisis in Lebanon,”
       whereas the median production in 2020 stood   pressed for OPEC/OPEC+ and/or Saudi   Energy Minister Karine Elharrar told Israel’s
       at 1.988 million bpd.               Arabia to increase oil production,” Ellen Wald,   Army Radio. “Nobody can go and inspect the
       MENAFN                              senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, told The   molecules and check whether they originally
                                           Intercept in an email. “Saudi Arabia’s response   came from Israel or Egypt.”
       Saudi Arabia rejects Biden          was that it is operating within the confines of   calm to the region, I can’t object to it”, she
                                                                                  If gas exports that reach Lebanon “bring
                                           its commitments to OPEC+. … I also don’t
       plea to increase oil output         see Saudi Arabia pushing to renegotiate the   added.
                                                                                  The likely route for the gas supplies, given
                                           deal to allow for greater production increases.”
       Last week, President Joe Biden had a high-  As a result, high gas prices could persist   the current network of pipelines, would be
       profile call with King Salman bin Abdulaziz   into the midterm elections, where they have   from Leviathan to a pipeline across Israel into
       al-Saud in an effort to partially restore a   historically had an acute influence on voter   Jordan, bypassing Egypt, said Amit Mor, CEO
       relationship with Saudi Arabia.     behavior.                            of Israeli consulting and investment firm Eco
         According to the White House’s readout,   Perhaps the most infamous example of this   Energy.
       during the call, Biden reaffirmed the   was during the 1979 oil crisis, when following   From there, it would go north through
       willingness of the US to aid Saudi in so-called   the Iranian revolution, oil production   Syria and into Lebanon via the Arab Gas
       defensive operations against the Houthis   slumped, sending gas prices skyrocketing.   Pipeline.
       in Yemen, following recent attacks by the   President Jimmy Carter, keenly aware of the   He estimated that the Leviathan partners
       Houthis on the United Arab Emirates and   effect of high gas prices on his reelection   would stand to earn an extra $100 million in
       Saudi Arabia.                       prospects, called the collapse in oil production   revenue each year with such an arrangement.
         It also alludes to a discussion of the   “the moral equivalent of war.” (Carter would   Delek Drilling, a partner in Leviathan,
       kingdom’s oil production, which has remained   not win reelection.) Previously in the 1970s,   declined to comment.
       low since Saudi Arabia denied Biden’s request   Gulf countries, including Saudi Arabia,   Elharrar participated in an industry event
       to increase it in August. “Both leaders further   restricted oil exports as a political weapon in a   in Cairo on Monday where she received a
       reiterated the United States’ and Saudi Arabia’s   contest against Israel.  warm welcome from Egyptian President
       commitment to ensuring the stability of global   THE INTERCEPT           Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. Representatives from Iraq
       energy supplies,” it reads.                                              and Yemen - countries that have no ties with
         The Saudi readout uses similar language.                               Israel over its occupation of Palestinians -

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