Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 25 2022
P. 10

NorthAmOil                               ENERGY TRANSITION                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  Power for the microgrid
                                                                                                  will be supplied by net-
                                                                                                  zero carbon RNG.

       Microsoft contracts Enchanted

       Rock to develop California’s largest

       microgrid supported by biogas

        CALIFORNIA       MICROSOFT has contracted Enchanted Rock  in the industry as businesses continue to move
                         of Texas to develop California’s largest microg-  away from conventional, less carbon-friendly
                         rid supported by renewable natural gas (RNG)  methods, and we expect this project will demon-
                         or biogas. The data centre is in Silicon Valley near  strate that large-scale, reliable and cost-effective
                         San Jose.                            back-up generation with net-zero carbon can
                           Data centres are proliferating as the internet  become the new standard.”
                         and cloud expands. They are power-hungry, and   According to Enchanted Rock, the pro-
                         they need backup power, while Big Tech com-  ject will out-perform current California Air
                         panies are also trying to “green” their energy use  Resources Board emissions requirements for
                         and go net zero.                     distributed generation, the most stringent in
                           Microsoft in fact plans to become carbon  the world, with hourly local emissions 80%-96%
                         negative by 2030.                    lower than Tier 4 diesel standards while deliver-
                           The microgrid will provide Microsoft’s San  ing higher reliability.
                         Jose, CA data centre with back-up power to   Brian Janous, general manager of DC Energy
                         ensure continuous operations.        & Sustainability at Microsoft, said: “This project
                           Power for the microgrid will be supplied by  helps Microsoft take a step towards our goal of
                         net-zero carbon RNG, injected upstream into  eliminating dependence on petroleum-based
                         the gas pipeline to offset the use of fossil gas.  diesel, while increasing the resilience of our data
                         Enchanted Rock says it sources RNG captured  centre and providing a much-needed capacity
                         from facilities that emit methane such as food  resource to the local grid.”
                         waste and agricultural operations, making the   “California needs practical alternatives to
                         process part of the circular economy, with neu-  diesel backup generation in order to protect
                         tral or negative carbon intensity.   public health and prevent catastrophic climate
                           “Today’s digital world relies on the uptime  change,” said Bill Magavern, policy director
                         and continuity of data centre operations,” said  for the Coalition for Clean Air, a state-wide
                         Thomas McAndrew, CEO of Enchanted Rock.  organisation that advocates for clean air poli-
                         “This continuity does not need to come at the  cies. “This means deploying flexible, dispatch-
                         expense of companies’ carbon emission reduc-  able solutions that can tackle the intermittent
                         tion goals or local air quality.”    nature of renewables, while reducing the envi-
                           He continued: “Microsoft’s decision to pursue  ronmental and public health impacts of die-
                         a renewable microgrid marks another milestone  sel-fuelled generators.”™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 25   23•June•2022
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