Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 25 2022
P. 8

NorthAmOil                                        POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       Biden calls for three-month suspension

       of federal gasoline, diesel taxes

        US               US President Joe Biden this week called for Con-  ($0.264 per litre) by pausing the gasoline tax at
                         gress to suspend federal gasoline and diesel taxes  the federal and state levels combined with energy
                         for three months amid soaring average gasoline  companies piling their profits into additional
                         prices that have reached close to $5 per gallon  production and refining capacity.
                         ($1.32 per litre) on a nationwide basis.   However, some economists think that even
                           In a public critique of the oil and gas indus-  if a tax holiday were to gain enough support in
                         try, Biden also asked states to pause their own  Congress, the move would have little impact for
                         gasoline taxes as high prices put a strain on com-  consumers at the pump, since there is no guar-
                         muters and travellers during the busy holiday  antee that the tax savings would be passed on.
                         period. He said states were in a strong position to  Economists have also warned that the move
                         take action, citing federal support from the 2021  could actually backfire on the economy and
                         coronavirus (COVID-19) relief bill.  encourage more spending at a time when the
                           The federal tax on gasoline is $0.184 per gal-  government is trying to reduce inflation.
                         lon ($0.049 per litre), while the federal tax on   Actions taken to punish Russia for its inva-
                         diesel fuel is $0.244 per gallon ($0.064 per litre).  sion of Ukraine have been cited by Biden as a key
                         The cost of a gasoline tax holiday is estimated by  driver of higher prices, and he has demanded that
                         Biden administration officials to be $10bn.   energy companies do more to help by refining and
                           It is thought that suspending gasoline taxes  selling more gasoline. (See NorthAmOil Week 24)
                         could prove difficult for Biden, as many lawmak-  Biden’s attempts to rein in gasoline prices have
                         ers, including several Democrats, have expressed  had a limited impact at the pump to date. Releas-
                         objections over the tax holiday.     ing oil from the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve
                           The Biden administration believes that gas-  (SPR) as well as increasing ethanol blending have
                         oline prices could be lowered by $1 per gallon  both largely failed to curb rising prices.™

       US, Canada and allies discuss

       price cap on Russian oil

        GLOBAL           THE US has held talks with Canada and other   Yellen said the US would continue working
                         allies to consider imposing a price cap on Russian  actively with its partners on the Russian oil price-
                         oil in the latest attempt to limit Moscow’s energy  cap plan and said to “stay tuned” when she was
                         revenue amid the ongoing war in Ukraine.  asked if the plan would be ready for the Group
                           Speaking at a press conference in Toronto on  of Seven (G7) meeting in Germany later this
                         June 20, US Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yel-  month.
                         len stated that a price exception could serve as   European officials have warned, how-
                         an effective cap. This could be achieved through  ever, that the plan could be too complicated
                         a mechanism to restrict or ban insurance of  and would require the EU to rework its latest
                         financing for Russian oil shipments above a cer-  sanctions. The legal text for the most recent
                         tain amount.                         sanctions package took weeks to approve, with
                           “We are talking about price caps or a price  numerous obstacles needed to be overcome in
                         exception that would enhance and strengthen  order to achieve unanimity among the EU’s 27
                         recent and proposed energy restrictions by  members.
                         Europe, the United States, the UK and others,   The US, Canada, the UK and a handful of
                         that would push down the price of Russian oil  other countries have banned Russian oil from
                         and depress Putin’s revenues, while allowing  being imported, but the EU remains highly
                         more oil supply to reach the global market,” Yel-  dependent on Russian crude for now, even as
                         len told reporters.                  it works to address this. The bloc has, however,
                           “We think a price exception is also an  agreed to ban seaborne imports of Russian crude
                         important way to prevent spillover effects to  in six months. It has also agreed to collaborate
                         low-income and developing countries that are  with some G7 members, such as the UK, to ban
                         struggling with high costs food and energy,” she  the insurance services needed to ship Russian oil
                         added.                               anywhere in the world.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 25   23•June•2022
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