Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 25 2022
P. 11

NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            owned subsidiary of Fundare Resources   SERVICES
       SilverBow Resources                 assets in the Niobrara-DJ Basin, around   Cathedral Energy Services
                                             Moonrise owns and operates midstream
       announces extension of              Fundare’s Redtail oil and gas operations in   acquires Lexa Drilling
                                           Northeast Weld County, Colorado. Moonrise’s
       revolving credit facility and       assets include a 65mn cubic feet per day   Technologies; adds
                                           (mmcf per day) refrigeration gas processing
       increased borrowing base            plant that is expandable to 105 mmcf per day,   technology leadership
                                           over 22,000 horsepower of compression, 100
       SilverBow Resources today announced it   miles of gas gathering pipelines, downstream   with Axel Schmidt and
       has received bank approval to amend its   interconnects with Overland Pass NGL
       senior secured revolving credit facility to   Pipeline/Trailblazer residue pipeline, and 25   adds Chad Robinson in key
       extend the maturity of the credit facility to   miles of crude gathering pipelines that are tied
       October 2026, increase the borrowing base   into Tallgrass Energy Partners’ Pawnee crude   strategy role
       from $525mn to $775mn, and reduce the   oil terminal.
       interest rate margin for amounts outstanding,   Cody Truitt, president and chief executive   Cathedral Energy Services today announced
       amongst other things, in connection with   officer of Fundare commented: “We are   the acquisition of 90.98% of LEXA Drilling
       SilverBow’s two recent strategic acquisitions   excited to form Moonrise Midstream   Technologies, a Calgary-based, downhole
       including the oil and gas assets of SandPoint   located in an attractive area for expansion   technology company for equity consideration
       Operating, a subsidiary of SandPoint   and upstream development. Moonrise will   in Cathedral. As part of the transaction, Mr.
       Resources, in May 2022 and Sundance. The   strategically grow its footprint in the DJ Basin   Axel Schmidt will join Cathedral as Senior
       amended credit facility and borrowing base   through expanding dedicated processing   Vice President, Engineering and Technology
       increase will go into effect with the closing the   for upstream producers and midstream   while Mr. Chad Robinson will join as Vice
       company’s previously announced acquisition   companies.”                 President, Corporate Development. LEXA
       of substantially all of the oil and gas assets   Moonrise provides the infrastructure and   also brings an experienced engineering and
       from Sundance Energy and certain affiliated   marketing support for Fundare’s Redtail oil   development team.
       entities.                           and gas operations, and has recently entered   “The principals of LEXA have deep
       SILVERBOW RESOURCES, June 23, 2022  into commercial agreements with Bison Oil   experience in building sizable directional
                                           & Gas III and a nearby third-party midstream   drilling companies as well as highly-
                                           company. Moonrise will begin processing   innovative and reliable tools to differentiate
       MIDSTREAM                           dedicated volumes for Bison in the 3rd   those services” said Tom Connors,
                                           Quarter and currently processes offload gas   Cathedral’s President and CEO. “Axel
       Fundare Resources                   for the third-party midstream company.  and Chad were instrumental in building
                                                                                Pacesetter Directional Drilling (now
                                             Daniel Seaver, vice president of midstream
       announces Moonrise                  and marketing for Fundare, added:    owned by Schlumberger) into a formidable
                                                                                Canadian competitor. Axel has a strong tool
                                           “The Moonrise team and assets deliver
       Midstream formation and             exceptionally high runtimes of greater than   development history, especially in creating
                                                                                highly reliable MWD (measurement-
                                           99.7% while processing volumes from our
       third-party commercial              growing customer base. We provide a high   while-drilling) and RSS (rotary steerable)
                                                                                technology for the Canadian marketplace and
                                           level of pressure and flow assurance to our
       agreements                          customers, and we look forward to continued   his experience and insight will be invaluable
                                                                                as we build out our differentiated technology
                                           growth and development of the asset.”
       Fundare Resources today announced the   FUNDARE RESOURCES, June 21, 2022  platform into the future. Going forward, we
       formation of Moonrise Midstream, a wholly                                are excited at the opportunity for Axel to
                                                                                enhance our MWD offering and ensure it
                                                                                remains among the top performing and most
                                                                                reliable products in the industry.”
                                                                                  LEXA is focused on the development and
                                                                                commercialisation of high data rate positive
                                                                                pulse MWD technology. They are also focused
                                                                                on developing technology that enhances
                                                                                and enables drilling automation through
                                                                                remote downhole directional equipment.
                                                                                The addition of high-performance pulse
                                                                                technology to Cathedral’s industry leading
                                                                                electromagnetic technology will further
                                                                                strengthen the performance of Cathedral’s
                                                                                existing MWD platform. Mr. Connors added,
                                                                                “When it comes to MWD technology, the
                                                                                US market is primarily a pulse market and in
                                                                                the long run this addition of personnel and

       Week 25   23•June•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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