Page 14 - MEOG Week 15 2022
P. 14

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

         The MOU is aimed at developing the oil   approved projects of the working groups in   According to United Against Nuclear Iran
       industry’s innovation and technology bases   order to implement technological projects,   (UANI) estimates, Iran’s daily oil exports in
       and expanding the capacity of knowledge-  support domestic manufacturers and   violation of US sanctions soared from 825,000
       based companies and start-ups active in the   knowledge-based companies, provide and   barrels per day in March 2020 to 1.34 million
       oil, gas, refining and petrochemical industries.  facilitate the required funds for technological   bpd in March 2022, including just under
         Under the framework of the MOU, a   projects approved by the mentioned   900,000 barrels per day to China.
       policy council will be formed with the aim of   specialized working groups.  UANI announced on Tuesday that its
       defining macro policies for the knowledge-  The Vice-Presidency for Science and   campaign to identify and track rogue vessel
       based development of mentioned industries.  Technology, on the other hand, is obliged   operators engaged in the Iran’s oil and gas
         As reported, the vice president for science   to provide experiences and implementation   smuggling has stymied Tehran’s efforts to
       and technology, the deputy oil minister   models in all areas covered in the MOU,   circumvent sanctions, leading to 100 vessels
       for engineering, research, and technology,   inform the needs and priorities announced   being stripped of their flags by authorities
       the deputy oil minister for planning, the   by specialized working groups to the   worldwide.
       secretary of the water and energy technologies   knowledge-based companies, and take the   The Islamic Republic has a “ghost armada”
       development headquarters, and the heads   necessary measures to meet the mentioned   of 182 rogue foreign vessels -- distinct from
       of the oil ministry’s four main affiliated   needs through knowledge-based companies   but complementing Iran’s own National
       companies will be members of the mentioned   by holding technology events and exhibitions   Iranian Tanker Company fleet – that evades
       council.                            and supply the necessary materials for   tracking and scrutiny and skirts US sanctions
         In order to accelerate the implementation   technological projects and etc.  and exploits regulatory loopholes to ship
       of the MOU, seven specialized working   Over the past few years and especially since  millions of barrels of oil.
       groups are also going to be formed to   the re-imposition of the U.S. sanctions, the Oil   Every commercial vessel must be registered
       tackle issues in specific areas including the   Ministry has been seriously pursuing various   to the flag of a country to have docking
       upstream sector refining and petro-refining,   programs for using the capacities of domestic   rights and travel globally, these flag states are
       petrochemicals, downstream sector, domestic   knowledge-based companies for meeting the   responsible for enforcing regulations.
       manufacturing of oil industry equipment,   oil and gas industry’s technological needs.  UANI detects rogue operators misusing
       energy consumption optimization, and   TEHRAN TIMES                      flags as part of Iran’s smuggling activities –
       ecosystem development.                                                   often accompanied by the formation of new
         The mentioned working groups will be                                   shell and front companies, ownership and
       chaired by the heads of the Oil Ministry’s   OIL                         name changes, and even alterations to ships’
       major subsidiaries as well as senior managers                            physical markings, as well as flag-hopping,
       from the Vice-Presidency for Science and   Iranian ghost ships           which involves repeatedly switching a ship’s
       Technology.                                                              flag to different national registries.
         Based on the MOU, the Oil Ministry is   smuggle oil to China             The group then alerts relevant authorities
       obliged to make the necessary coordination                               to take action, and when the vessels are “de-
       for the formation of the mentioned specialized  An advocacy group says the Islamic Republic   flagged,” the Islamic Republic is unable to
       working groups and holding regular meetings,   has illegally sent over 337 million barrels   complete the transfer that generates the export
       obtain the necessary permits and provide   of crude oil to China since 2021, worth   revenues.
       the physical and legal infrastructure for the   approximately $22 billion.  IRAN INTL

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 15   13•April•2022
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