Page 13 - MEOG Week 15 2022
P. 13

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       talent and leadership pipeline.        Al-juffali joined Honeywell in March 2020   HVDC-VSC links from onshore Alternating
         Al-juffali’s appointment marks the   as Saudi Arabia country leader for Honeywell   Current (AC) power substations to artificial
       latest milestone in Honeywell’s long-term   Building Technologies, based in Riyadh. Prior   islands. SNC-Lavalin’s scope of work includes
       commitment to advance the localisation,   to Honeywell he spent more than 10 years   the design review of the converter stations,
       sustainability, digital transformation and   at ABB in a variety of roles and brings more   the submarine cables, integration with the
       smart infrastructure objectives of strategic   than 15 years of international experience   onshore and offshore grid, as well as reviewing
       markets across the Middle East and North   in sales, marketing, strategy, finance, and   the implementation plans for HSE, Quality
       Africa region.                      manufacturing in Saudi Arabia and the   Control (QC) and Quality Assurance (QA)
         “This is an exciting time for our businesses   United States.          of contractors. In addition, SNC-Lavalin
       in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain as they to   HONEYWELL                       will provide supervision throughout the
       support the economic diversification and                                 construction and commissioning phases. The
       growth objectives of the countries’ national   SNC-Lavalin wins advisory   project will be supported by the company’s
       visions,” commented Mohammed Mohaisen,                                   global HVDC Center of Excellence in Canada,
       president and CEO of Honeywell Middle East   and engineering contract    and its regional expertise based in the Middle
       and North Africa. “With a vast technology                                East.
       portfolio that acts as the backbone of critical   for ADNOC                “SNC-Lavalin’s Canadian HVDC Centre of
       infrastructure projects - from smart cities, to                          Excellence (CoE) has been active in the field
       sustainability, safety, security and logistics –   SNC-Lavalin (TSX: SNC), a fully integrated   for half a century,” said Dale Clarke, CEO,
       Honeywell remains perfectly positioned to   professional services and project management   Engineering Services, Canada at SNC-Lavalin.
       help customers meet their growth objectives.”  company with offices around the world,   “This CoE has delivered close to 50 landmark
         “Abdullah brings a proven track record   has been awarded a four-year advisory and   projects across five continents and adapts each
       of delivering such initiatives for fast-growth   engineering services contract by Abu Dhabi   project to its unique environments.”
       companies in this region, and I am delighted   National Oil Company (ADNOC) to support   SNC-Lavalin has a proven track record
       to add his experience in technology and   its offshore operations power project. A   in delivering some of the most complex and
       innovation leadership across our business in   first-of-its-kind high-voltage, direct current   challenging HVDC systems worldwide. The
       Saudi Arabia and Bahrain,” added Mohaisen.   (HVDC-VSC) subsea transmission system in   company’s global team of expertise work
         Al-juffali will be responsible for the   the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)   with clients across the entire asset life cycle,
       continued growth of Honeywell’s operations   region, the project will power ADNOC’s   ensuring – from development and design
       across the Company’s four strategic   offshore production operations with cleaner   to project development and commissioning,
       business groups: Aerospace, Performance   and more efficient energy.     to rehabilitation and end-of-life management
       Materials & Technologies (PMT), Honeywell   “Our work with ADNOC on this   – the utmost benefits of clean, effective and
       Building Technologies (HBT), and Safety &   significant project will support the UAE   cost-effective power are realised.
       Productivity Solutions (SPS), along with the   Net Zero by 2050 Strategic Initiative and   SNC LAVALIN
       Honeywell Connected Enterprise (HCE).   reinforces our commitment to work with
         He will also oversee the local design and   our global clients on their net zero journeys,”   Oil Ministry signs MoU
       manufacturing of Honeywell technologies   said Ian L. Edwards, President and CEO,
       that can drive economic diversification and   SNC-Lavalin. “Through our world-class   for knowledge-based
       growth, in-line with the localisation and   engineering services and HVDC expertise,
       diversification commitments of Saudi Arabia’s   we will ensure the project is delivered to the   development
       National Transformation Plan, Vision 2030   highest quality, safety, and environmental
       and In-Kingdom Total Value Add (IKTVA)   standards to drive more efficiency and green   Iranian Oil Ministry has signed a
       programs. This includes identifying new   impact.”                       memorandum of understanding (MOU)
       technology collaboration and development   The project, which is in partnership with   with the Vice-Presidency for Science and
       opportunities with Honeywell’s many valued   Abu Dhabi National Energy Company PJSC   Technology for cooperation in preparing a
       partners.                           (TAQA), is expected to reduce the carbon   comprehensive program for the knowledge-
         “Honeywell has been an important partner   footprint of ADNOC’s offshore operations   based development of the country’s oil, gas,
       to Saudi Arabia and Bahrain for more than   by more than 30%, replacing existing   refining and petrochemical industries.
       70 years. I am proud to lead our businesses   offshore gas turbine generators with more   The MOU was signed by Oil Minister
       to help our customers accelerate the exciting   sustainable power sources available on the   Javad Oji and Vice President for Science and
       transformation we are witnessing in the   Abu Dhabi onshore power network. This   Technology Sourena Sattari at the place of the
       kingdom and beyond,” said Al-juffali.  will be achieved by developing two subsea   ministry on Tuesday, IRNA reported.

       Week 15   13•April•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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