Page 9 - MEOG Week 15 2022
P. 9

MEOG                                  PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                            MEOG

       Iran to nearly double underground

       gas storage capacity

        IRAN             IRAN’S underground gas storage (UGS) capac-  The news continues the trend of UGS expan-
                         ity will be nearly doubled to 6bn cubic metres  sion in Iran. In February 2021, the Iranian
                         (bcm) by 2025 from the present 3.25 bcm under  Central Oil Fields Co. (ICOFC), a subsidiary of
                         plans drawn up by the Ministry of Petroleum  the National Iranian Oil Co. (NIOC), said that
                         (MoP).                               gas reproduction capacity from Sarajeh had
                           The ministry wants to achieve better man-  increased by 17% over the previous 11 months.
                         agement of the country’s gas resources during  The company’s production director Ahmad
                         the cold winter months, according to a report by  Rajabisaid that 1.01bcm of gas had been repro-
                         Fars News. Reproduced gas from UGS currently  duced from storage over the period.
                         accounts for 1.7% of total annual gas production   Meanwhile, in mid-2020, Ahmad Rajabi,
                         in Iran.                             director of technical affairs at the National Ira-
                           Iran has two UGS facilities: the larger Sara-  nian South Oil Co. (NISOC) – another NIOC
                         jeh unit is located near Qom, while the smaller  affiliate – said that combined reproduction from
                         Shourijeh facility is in the northeastern province  the two sites increased by 33% during the March
                         of Khorasan Razavi, 124 km south of Tehran.  2019-March 2020 calendar year compared to the
                           Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi lately vis-  one prior.
                         ited the Shourijeh facility to commence the start   Iran’s current daily gas production is esti-
                         of construction works on a second phase of its  mated at around 1bcm per day. The country’s
                         storage system. The project will take three years  reserves are the second largest in the world, trail-
                         to finish and will need an investment worth  ing only those of Russia, but huge investment
                         $700mn. It will allow for the transfer of another  would be needed to facilitate a big expansion in
                         20mn cubic metres (mcm) per day of natural gas  gas production.
                         from storage.                          Natural gas in Iran is currently available to
                           When the near doubling of UGS capacity is  99% of the urban population and 86% of rural
                         complete, the daily gas transfer capacity from the  dwellers via a 37,000-km pipeline system,
                         two storage systems is to reach 55 mcm.  according to the MoP.™

       Week 15   13•April•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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