Page 8 - MEOG Week 15 2022
P. 8

MEOG                                   PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                            MEOG

       Maha prepares to begin Mafraq drilling work

        OMAN             SWEDEN’S Maha Energy said last week that it  estimated a combined proven plus probable (2P)
                         intends to kick off a six-well drilling campaign  reserves and 2C resources at 33.41mn barrels as
                         at the Mafraq heavy oilfield in Oman’s Block 70  of December 31, 2021.
                         concession.                            “The Mafraq field accounts for almost half
                           The company’s CEO Jonas Lindvall made  our future oil volumes and if we can prove up
                         the announcement upon the release of its 2021  the oil-water contact to where strong indications
                         annual report this week. He said: “A drilling rig  suggest it is, we are poised to deliver significant
                         has been selected and the drilling of six wells is  volumes of oil from Oman,” Lindvall said.
                         scheduled to begin on the Mafraq field during   During the EPSA’s initial period, Maha is
                         the second quarter of 2022.”         committed to carry out geological studies,
                           Lindvall added: “Two appraisal wells will be  seismic reprocessing and well drilling. In 2020,
                         drilled first to acquire important information  the company said it had planned for a phased
                         such as the oil water contact, crude oil proper-  appraisal and development approach and an
                         ties and cores of the producing interval. Addi-  “initial committed work programme investment
                         tionally, four horizontal wells will be drilled and  estimated at approximately $14.6mn”. These
                         placed on extended well test production to eval-  investments cover the exploration phase of the
                         uate water encroachment in the fractured lime-  field’s development, with a further $31.8mn of
                         stone reservoir.”                    planned spend to increase output to 3,000 bar-
                           The company was awarded 100% owner-  rels per day (bpd) from 2024 onwards, pending
                         ship in the exploration and production-sharing  results.
                         agreement (EPSA) for the 639-square km Block   This year’s capital programme covers the
                         70 by the Sultanate’s Ministry of Energy and  drilling of the MF-7 and MF-8 appraisal wells
                         Minerals in September 2020 following months  this year for “reservoir delineation and data
                         of speculation about the award.      acquisition, as well as an “extended well testing
                           The EPSA was awarded with an initial explo-  programme with 6-8 tri-lateral horizontal pro-
                         ration period of three years and with an optional  ducers to assess full-scale horizontal field devel-
                         extension period of another three years. Should  opment.” The company previously anticipated
                         a commercial discovery be made, this can be  expanding production to 1,250 bpd during 2022
                         extended into a 15-year production licence,  through an early production testing system.
                         with an optional five-year extension, while the   It has committed to drill eight horizontal
                         state oil firm OQ has the right to acquire a 30%  wells under the second phase of development,
                         interest.                            raising output to expected peak production of
                           Mafraq was discovered by PDO in 1988 and  3,000 bpd. Maha intends to maintain this plateau
                         was further delineated by four wells and 3D  through its third phase, beginning with a single
                         seismic in stages between then and 2010. The  exploration well followed by up to 200 develop-
                         field is estimated to contain 185-280mn bar-  ment wells by mid-to-late 2024 providing com-
                         rels of original oil in place (OIP), though Maha  merciality is declared.™

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