Page 10 - EurOil Week 09 2023
P. 10

EurOil                                       COMMENTARY                                                EurOil

                         fill up with geolocated tankers loitering off the  93 MRs – all smaller classes of tanker.
                         Greek coast that are clearly involved in transfer-  Analysis at the publication concluded: “Rus-
                         ring Russian oil to other ships as a way of erasing  sia now has access to more than enough crude
                         the origin of the oil.               tankers, but its clean fleet availability is barely
                           “One of the problems with the oil sanctions  enough to meet its export goals.”
                         is there is no percentage limit on mixing oil,”   This suggests that Russia may have to limit its
                         Weafer told bne IntelliNews. “That means once  exports of oil products but will be able to con-
                         the crude is mixed with another crude it ceases  tinue to export all its crude. Moreover, Splash
                         to be “Russian oil” and can perfectly legally be  found that the centre of gravity for trading
                         shipped by EU vessels.”              Russian oil exports has shifted from the Lon-
                           The shipping journal TradeWinds said in an  don-based Baltic Exchange to the United Arab
                         article on December 4 that an estimated 400 oil  Emirates (UAE).
                         tankers have been sold to “unknown buyers or   “Dubai has become a hotbed for companies
                         newcomers to the sector” since Russia’s invasion  controlling shadow tankers and the sanctioning
                         of Ukraine.                          of Sun Ship Management would undoubtedly
                           “The 393 sales represent 43% of the deals  create more hurdles for Russia moving its bar-
                         since the invasion on February 24 and the start  rels,” BRS stated in a recent tanker report as cited
                         of an upheaval in the oil trade that sent sec-  by Splash.
                         ond-hand prices soaring and propelled tanker   Splash’s tanker count tallies is less than the
                         rates to 18-year highs, data from VesselsValue  count from the website
                         shows,” the publication reports.     that tweeted Russia’s ghost fleet is even bigger:
                           The FT came to the same conclusion: “The  186 VLCC/ULCC's (2 new ones just this past
                         largely anonymous tanker purchases can be  week), 107 Suezmax, 142 Aframax, 31 Panamax
                         tracked by the big increase in unnamed or new  and 73 Handies that can carry oil products, but
                         buyers appearing in registries. The vessels are  was including Russia’s access to tankers from
                         generally 12-15 years old and would be expected  Iran and Venezuela.
                         to be scrapped in the next few years, said Anoop   Amongst the highest estimates for the size of
                         Singh, head of tanker research at Braemar,” the  the ghost fleet was from leading oil trader Trafig-
                         paper reported.                      ura,  which told Bloomberg there are 600 tankers
                           In 2022, operators linked to Russia are sus-  in the fleet, in an article published on February 3.
                         pected to have purchased as many as 29 super-  Of these, about 400 tankers can carry crude,
                         tankers, known as VLCCs, very large crude  or 20% of the global fleet, and have “switched”
                         carriers – each capable of carrying more than  from mainstream trade to “ostensibly do Russian
                         2mn barrels – Braemar told the International  business,” co-head of oil trading at Trafigura Ben
                         Energy Agency (IEA) in a presentation last  Luckock said in an interview on Bloomberg Tel-
                         month. The country is likely to have also added  evision. For oil product tankers, the company
                         31 Suezmax-sized tankers capable of carrying  sees the level at 200 tankers, or 7% of the world
                         about 1mn barrels each, and 49 Aframax tankers  total.
                         that can each haul about 700,000 barrels, the FT   “You had the old days of Iran and Venezuela,
                         added. Many of these deals are being done by the  and there was a shadow fleet that was relatively
                         state-owned VTB Bank, which was building up a  small – it would manage the sanctioned barrels,”
                         tanker fleet even before the war started.  Luckock said. “This Russian flow is vastly differ-
                           Russia makes the most use of Suezmax and  ent – it’s huge.”
                         Aframax tankers, with about 100 vessels in the   Luckock said that one of factors that is driving
                         Sovcomflot fleet, the state-owned Soviet-era  these changes is that Russia is offering very hefty
                         shipping giant, before the war started. Adding  premiums to tanker companies that are report-
                         VLCCs is clearly designed to facilitate ship-to-  edly 50% to 100% more than normal rates for
                         ship transfers, as none of Russia’s oil ports can  crude shipments. Luckock said the premium on
                         accommodate them as they are too big. The  clean tanker rates could be as high as 400%. The
                         number of VLCC steaming between Russia and  latest data from the Baltic Exchange in London
                         Asia has suddenly jumped in recent months,  shows clean product tankers rates have reached
                         according to reports.                $55,857 per day, surging 58% in a single day at
                           Another tanker specialist Splash did a similar  the start of February, he added.
                         investigation, published on February 23, follow-  London-based EA Gibson Shipbrokers has
                         ing an extensive, detailed analysis of the global  counted at least 38 fuel-hauling ships that are
                         merchant fleet. Splash found the shadow tanker  owned by Russian registered companies but
                         fleet totalled 421 ships. For “dirty” tankers, which  also another 100 fuel tankers have been sold to
                         carry crude,, this comprises 150 Aframaxes, 49  anonymous buyers outside the G7 or the Euro-
                         Suezmaxes and 104 VLCCs, while “clean” tank-  pean Union since the invasion of Ukraine a year
                         ers, which can carry oil productions, Splash  ago – enough to carry all Russia’s oil products in
                         counted five handies, 17 LR1s, three LR2s, and  addition to its crude exports. ™

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