Page 15 - EurOil Week 09 2023
P. 15

EurOil                                       PERFORMANCE                                              EurOil

       Russian gas output down 13.5%

       in January

        RUSSIA           RUSSIAN natural gas production was down  Sharples, an analyst at the Oxford Institute for
                         13.5% in January year on year, totalling 52.2  Energy Studies.
       Supply was up 1.6%   bn cubic metres, the Federal State Statistic Ser-  “The high has been taken through a massive
       month on month,   vice said last week, but this still marked a 1.6%  decline in gas production rather than redirect-
       however.          increase on December.                ing,” he told S&P Global Commodity Insights
                           Output of associated petroleum gas fell by  last week. “The only destination for redirected
                         only 4.7% y/y and rose 2.9% month on month, to  flows is to their near-neighbours. But we’re talk-
                         8.8 bcm. Meanwhile LNG production dropped  ing very limited volumes compared with what
                         by 13% y/y to 2.6mn tonnes.          they were exporting to Europe.”
                           Russia’s Gazprom, previously the biggest gas   Azerbaijan has sought Russian gas to cover its
                         supplier to Europe, lost most of its market share  domestic needs this winter, but the total supply is
                         last year, triggering a significant decline in its  agreed to amount to only 1 bcm. On February 9,
                         production. The company’s output came to just  Gazprom also said it had held discussions with
                         413 bcm in 2022, versus 515 bcm produced in  the energy ministers of Kazakhstan and Uzbek-
                         the previous year.                   istan on potential “trilateral co-operation,” after
                           Russian President Vladimir Putin is keen on  gas co-operation roadmap agreements were
                         developing a gas hub in Turkey from where more  signed with Kazakhstan on January 18 and
                         Russian gas could reach South-east Europe,  Uzbekistan on January 24.
                         though it remains to be seen how many buyers   Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander
                         would be willing to commit to new volumes.  Novak also said in November last year that the
                         Meanwhile, Gazprom has proposed expanding  three countries had started talks on forming a
                         gas exports to Central Asia, to help that region  “gas union” that would enable them to co-ordi-
                         cope with a recent supply crunch.    nate on gas transport, export and processing. But
                           Gazprom’s pipeline exports to countries  it is unclear how the proposal has been received
                         outside the Commonwealth of Independent  in either Astana or Tashkent.
                         States (CIS) amounted to only 100.9 bcm, which   On February 15, Gazprom also held discus-
                         included 15.4 bcm of gas delivered to China via  sions with Turkmenistan on “the courts and
                         the Power of Siberia pipeline. That indicates that  prospects of co-operation in the gas sector.” On
                         supplies to Europe and Turkey came to only 85  February 7, it also held talks with Azerbaijan’s
                         bcm, versus close to 200 bcm in previous years.  SOCAR on the “course of interaction between
                           Russia is unlikely to claim back most of its  the companies as well as possible directions for
                         lost market share in Europe, according to Jack  the development of co-operation." ™

       Week 09   03•March•2023                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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