Page 16 - EurOil Week 09 2023
P. 16

EurOil                                       PERFORMANCE                                               EurOil

       Urals oil price is increasingly meaningless,

       allowing Russian-owned refineries in Europe

       to build up slush funds

        UKRAINE          AFTER  the twin price cap sanctions were  oil companies continue to report record profits.
                         imposed on Russian oil exports on December 5   What appears to be happening is the budget
       Urals price assessments  and February 5, Ukraine’s supporters cheered as  has indeed seen a sharp fall in revenues, but the
       increasingly do not   the cost of Russia’s key Urals blend collapsed to a  leading oil comapnies are still making huge prof-
       show how much     low of $37.8 per barrel at a time when Brent was  its. The sanctions mean they are no longer inter-
       revenue Russia is really   trading over $80.           ested in reporting large profits but instead report
       making from its oil   The trouble is, the price of the Urals oil price is  as low a price for selling Urals as possible, which
       exports.          increasingly meaningless. And that is a problem,  reduces their tax burden. In what is tantamount
                         as the two oil price schemes are tied to the Urals  to a new transfer pricing scheme, the difference
                         FOB (free on board) price of oil and so give the  between the price the companies report and the
                         Kremlin a way to export its oil at much higher  cash they actually make accumulates in thier
                         prices without breaking the oil price cap ceiling  non-transparent offshore trading companies,
                         of $60. A recent study showed that Russian oil  creating a huge slush fund that in theory the
                         companies are actually getting over $80 per bar-  Kremlin has access to.
                         rel in cash for a barrel, despite the fact that the
                         FOB Urals price is under $50.        Urals price dynamics
                           The evidence that games are being played  The goal of the two sanctions, coupled with an
                         has been building in the last month. In a sign  EU embargo on buying Russian oil, was to cut
                         that something was up with the Urals price, in  the Kremlin off from its most lucrative source
                         January the Ministry of Finance (MinFin) aban-  of earnings but at the same time keep Russian
                         doned using Urals as the trigger for the budget  oil flowing into the market and to avoid a price
                         rule that determines when excess oil revenues  spike.  The  breakeven  price for  the  Russian
                         are siphoned off into the National Welfare Fund  budget in the budget law assumes a Urals price
                         (NWF). Now it uses a calculation of the actual  of $70.2 per barrel.
                         revenues earned from oil exports to set the   Last year the average price of oil was on a par
                         threshold, ignoring the price of Urals.  with the budget assumption but tumbled by a
                           Then budget revenues from oil and gas reve-  quarter in December year on year to $50.47 and
                         nus collapsed in December and January, but the  then again to $46.82 in January.

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 09   03•March•2023
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