Page 18 - EurOil Week 09 2023
P. 18

EurOil                                       PERFORMANCE                                               EurOil

                         Sea, as well as a refinery in Constanta, Romania.  shipborne oil cargos leaving Russia has con-
                         Italy doubled its purchases of Russian crude  tinued to unchanged suggesting that demand
                         from 0.65 to 1.3mn tonnes per month, while  has not been affected. The strong profits of the
                         Bulgarian volumes went up from 0.3mn tonnes  companies does not tally with the collapse in
                         in an average pre-war month to 0.7mn in Octo-  revenues reported by MinFin unless the price of
                         ber 2022.                            Urals is no longer a good indication of the profits
                           And here is the rub: while the price for  that oil companies are making.
                         Urals quoted on the Baltic Exchange, the main   This might change in 2023, as Lukoil in par-
                         exchange for Russian oil export deals, tumbled  ticular is in talks to sell more its refineries in
                         by 50%, the price for the refined product like die-  Bulgaria, Romania and Moldova, while the gov-
                         sel and naphtha did not change. That introduces  ernments of these countries are switching away
                         a huge spread between the cost of crude and the  from Russia crude supplies, but in the mean-
                         ultimate refined products. Normally a refinery  time the leading Russian companies remains
                         earns a $10 margin on turning a barrel of crude  extremely profitable.
                         into a more valuable refined product, but in sec-  One of the side-effects of this was not just it
                         ond half of last year this margin swelled to $40-  provides a way for Russia to dodge sanctions,
                         $50, making refineries insanely profitable.  as sanctions key to the FOB price of Urals leav-
                           In an indication that the numbers don’t  ing Russia, but it also means the profits accu-
                         add up, while MinFin reported that oil and gas  mulate to the oil companies’ offshore trading
                         receipts were down by almost half in December,  arms inside the EU, not the government, which
                         the leading Russian oil companies are reporting  charges tax on the FOB Urals price at Primorsk.
                         record profits.
                           Since the war started the leading Russian  Kremlin second tax manoeuvre
                         companies are no longer obliged to report their  Russia  earned a massive  $227bn  current ac-
                         results but in November privately owned Rus-  count surplus in 2022 on paper – more than
                         sian oil major Lukoil stated that profits had dou-  double the surplus of $120bn in 2021, itself an
                         bled y/y in January to September to RUB648bn  all-time record. However, it turns out that the
                         ($8.6bn) after sales were up by 52% to RUB2.3  Kremlin probably has little access to a lot of
                         trillion ($39.6bn). The same month the board  that money, as the cash is accumulated not in
                         announced that it would pay a full 100% of cash  the Kremlin’s coffers as oil tax revenues, but in
                         flow as the 2021 dividend and launched a second  the oil companies' offshore accounts.
                         $3bn share buyback programme. Unlike most   The government has already reacted by per-
                         big Russian companies, Lukoil’s importance  forming a second “tax manoeuvre”, more adjust-
                         to the EU economy means it has so far largely  ments to the tax code to better tax Russia’s oil
                         escaped the Western sanctions.       companies, says Macro Advisory’s Weafer and
                           State-owned oil major Rosneft was also  this work is likely to be ongoing.
                         reporting high profits, although its bottom line   In order to have a more realistic price of oil
                         was hurt after Germany appropriated some  the Russian government is also currently talking
                         of its assets. Rosneft said its nine-month net  about adopting the Dubai crude price as a better
                         income was RUB591bn ($9.4bn), down 15%  benchmark, or simply using Brent minus a dis-
                         from a record-high RUB696bn reported for  count as the benchmark.
                         the same period in 2021. That follows on from   The Kremlin maybe unable to tap the excess
                         a spike of record profit in the first half of 2022  profits that oil companies are making – MinFin is
                         of RUB432bn ($7.2bn) despite the sanctions.  currently in negotiations with the Russian Union
                         Rosneft said it had successfully reorientated its  of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), the
                         exports to Asia. The fall in profits in the third  big business lobbying association, asking them
                         quarter was largely due to the loss of its German  to make a “voluntary” payment of RUB200bn
                         assets and is nowhere as large as the 46% fall in  ($2.6bn) – but the companies can largely off-
                         oil and gas revenues seen by MinFin.  set the loses they have from selling cheap Urals
                           The story is the same at Gazprom Neft, the  crude on the open market with the outsized prof-
                         oil production arm of the state-owned gas behe-  its they make from selling oil products in the EU
                         moth Gazprom, which reported a four-fold  market to European customers.
                         increase in profits in 2022 last week to an all-time   The de facto transfer pricing refined oil busi-
                         record RUB503.4bn ($6.7bn). Like Lukoil, sales  ness also creates large slush funds of privately
                         were up by half y/y to RUB3.1 trillion, making it  owned cash outside Russia that can also be used
                         Russia’s fastest growing oil producer in terms of  to buy technology and other sanctioned goods to
                         production.                          keep these companies in business. IIF’s Ribakova
                           Business is booming at all these leading  speculates that the Kremlin has a good idea of
                         oil producers. The price of Urals oil may have  where and how much money is in these funds
                         plunged in December, but the number of  and has some, limited, control over them. ™

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 09   03•March•2023
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