Page 17 - EurOil Week 09 2023
P. 17

EurOil                                      PERFORMANCE                                               EurOil

                           At its low point, Bloomberg reported, citing  purchases define the closely watched European
                         Argus Media statistics, that the discount on Rus-  Urals price,” Sergey Vakulenko, an oil specialists,
                         sia’s Urals oil compared to Brent had surged to  said in a note for the Carnegie Centre.
                         50% so that on January 6, the oil price in the Bal-  “The first group comprised refineries con-
                         tic port of Primorsk fell as low as $37.8 per barrel,  nected to the Druzhba pipeline that were in
                         whereas the price of Brent crude oil on the same  long-term contracts with Russian suppliers,
                         day was $78.57 per barrel – a difference of $40.8.  with prices linked to the published Urals prices
                           And indeed, Russia’s budget revenues col-  in the Mediterranean and northwest Europe.
                         lapsed in December after oil and gas reve-  These refineries did not have any viable alterna-
                         nues crashed by 46% y/y. The federal budget  tives to Russian supplies. The second group was
                         had been in surplus for 11 out of last year’s 12  made up of refineries fully or partially owned by
                         months, but suddenly plunged by almost RUB4  the Russian oil giants Rosneft and Lukoil, from
                         trillion ($53bn) in one month – more than the  Romania to the Netherlands. Their volumes
                         planned deficit for the whole year – as the first  were supplied directly by their Russian owners,
                         oil embargo came into effect, leaving the budget  usually via European-registered trading arms,
                         with a 2.3% deficit at the end of the year. Like-  such as LITASCO for Lukoil and Energopole
                         wise, the budget started January in equally poor  for Rosneft. The third group consisted of a few
                         shape with a RUB1.76bn deficit – its lowest level  refineries that were still willing to buy Russian
                         in a decade and almost as much as the planned  crude on the open market. Only their purchased
                         deficit for the whole year. Mission accomplished.  volumes impacted the European Urals price,”
                           But not so fast. While the headline discount  added Vakulenko, who has written a series of
                         for Urals appears to be around $35 against the  papers digging into the Urals price issue.
                         traditional $2 less than Brent sold for before   With the volumes of Urals bought on the
                         the war, since the sanctions were threatened  open market tumbling, the share of income from
                         the Urals price for oil has become increasingly  this deeply discounted oil is dwindling, whereas
                         irrelevant.                          the piped oil is more consistent and the share of
                           More red flags were waved when the Cen-  revenues earned from Russian companies send-
                         tral Bank of Russia (CBR) reported the current  ing oil to their own refiners has soared.
                         account data for 2022.                 To make things worse, the discounts reported
                           “The updated current account forecasts are a  in the open market part of the business have
                         bit confusing: the average oil price for 2022 was  become unreliable, as the market has gone into
                         down by -$15/barrel, but the exports of oil was  stealth mode as many market participants have
                         almost unchanged at about RUB0.5 trillion for  stopped sharing their deals data.
                         the year, but should have been down about 10%.   “[Oil news] agencies have gone over to
                         One hypothesis for this is the Bank of Russia  conducting surveys: they call up traders and
                         believes Urals benchmark price is flawed and  ask them what prices they pay and then quote
                         understates export price,” Alexander Isakov,  that. Those numbers ended up in the press and
                         head of macroeconomic analysis at Bloomberg  become the perceived price,” but it’s not neces-
                         and former head of research at VTB Capital said  sarily representative of what the price is,” Elina
                         in a tweet in January.               Ribakova, deputy chief economist at Institute of
                           Top oil analysts Chris Weafer, the founder  International Finance (IIF), told bne IntelliNews
                         and CEO of Macro Advisory, and Christof  in a recent podcast on the economic impact of
                         Ruehl, senior research scholar at the Centre on  sanctions on Russia’s economy.
                         Global Energy Policy, told bne IntelliNews in a
                         recent podcast on oil that January was “just one  Russian oil companies making record prof-
                         data point” and partly caused by both a change  its
                         in the tax code and new large one-off payments,  The exports from Russia to refineries owned
                         not just a collapse in Urals prices, adding that  by Russian companies have soared as the lead-
                         the revenues will probably recover in March and  ing Russian companies cash in on distortions
                         April at the latest.                 caused by the sanctions.
                                                                Vakulenko reports that most of the voyages
                         Three markets in one                 from Russia to Italy in recent months went to the
                         The first problem is the EU market for Russian  ISAB refinery on Sicily owned by the Russian
                         crude imports is actually three markets: piped  major Lukoil (which it has recently agreed to sell,
                         oil to countries like Hungary; Russian oil pro-  but will retain its other refineries).
                         ducers delivering to their own refineries in Eu-  Tankers going to the Netherlands, mean-
                         rope; and the open market import of Russian  while, moored at the berth in Rotterdam har-
                         oil by European buyers.              bour that feeds the Zeeland Refinery, in which
                           “There were three distinct groups of buyers  Lukoil has a 45% stake. Lukoil also owns the
                         of Russian crude, and only one of those groups’  main Bulgarian refinery in Burgas on the Black

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