Page 13 - EurOil Week 09 2023
P. 13

EurOil                                PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           EurOil

       Gas supply contract arbitration will hinge

       greatly on Nord Stream investigations

        EUROPE           WHOEVER was responsible for the explosions   US Ambassador John Kelley rejected this,
                         that burst the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines  describing the UN discussions on February 21 as
       Billions of dollars in   last September could be key to deciding on mul-  “a blatant attempt to distract” from the one-year
       arbitration cases are at   ti-billion dollar arbitration claims lodged by  anniversary of Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine on
       stake.            European gas buyers that subsequently lost their  February 24 last year.
                         Russian supply.                        “This is what our focus should be on,” he said.
                           Russia demanded a debate on the Nord  “Russia desperately wants to change the subject.”
                         Stream incidents at the UN Security Council  Moscow is “abusing its position as a Council
                         last week, as well as a UN inquiry. Moscow has  member for using this platform to air internet
                         expressed doubts about the integrity and trans-  conspiracy theories.”
                         parency of investigations into the events in Den-  UN investigations should be preserved for
                         mark, Germany and Sweden, after being denied  cases when states are unwilling or unable to
                         access to the information in the probes.  investigate such incidents themselves, he said.
                           Moscow vehemently accuses Washington of   Russia’s call for a UN inquiry was rejected,
                         causing the explosions, and has said its claims are  however. UN Under-Secretary-General for
                         vindicated by a recent investigative blog released  Political and Peacebuilding Rosemary DiCarlo
                         by veteran US journalist Seymour Hersh, which  urged both sides to “show restraint and avoid any
                         concluded that the US Navy was behind the  speculation.”
                         blasts, working at the behest of US President Joe   “We should avoid any unfounded accusa-
                         Biden.                               tions that could further escalate the already
                           There is “proof that explosives had been  heightened tensions in the region and potentially
                         planted” near the pipeline during a Nato exer-  inhibit the search for the truth,” she said.
                         cise in the summer of 2022, Russian ambassador   Furthermore, the UN “is not in a position
                         Vassily Nebenzia said during UN discussions,  to verify or confirm any of the claims relating
                         citing the report that Hersh produced. The report  to these incidents, and we await the findings of
                         based its claims on a single anonymous source,  ongoing national investigations,” she said. Pre-
                         and the White House has dismissed it as “pure  liminary results of those probes show “extensive
                         fiction.”                            damage,” signs of “gross sabotage” and “foreign
                           “This journalist is telling the truth,” Nebenzia  items” seized at the sites.
                         said. “This is more than just a smoking gun that
                         detectives love in Hollywood blockbusters. It’s a  The key to contract disputes
                         basic principle of justice; everything is in your  Whatever further evidence is revealed concern-
                         hands, and we can resolve this today.”  ing the cause of the Nord Stream pipeline blasts

       Week 09   03•March•2023                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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