Page 4 - MEOG Week 09 2021
P. 4

MEOG                                          COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

       Oxy makes discovery

       as ADNOC maintains


       ADNOC has continued to expand its rig and shipping fleet as
       it makes a move to increase its control in the sector, while

       a find by Oxy adds to the company’s production potential.

        UAE              US-BASED Occidental Petroleum (Oxy) during   “We still have more exploration and appraisal
                         an earnings call last week announced that it had  work to complete, but are highly encouraged by
                         made a ‘multi-reservoir’ discovery in onshore  the results to date,” she added.
       WHAT:             Abu Dhabi as the emirate maintains its momen-  Oxy picked up the 11,000-square km Block
       Oxy announced an   tum towards exerting greater control over the oil,  3 in February 2019 following Abu Dhabi’s first
       onshore discovery in   gas and broader energy sector.  competitive bidding round.
       Abu Dhabi’s Block 3                                      The first bid round was a great success, with
       concession following   Oxy’s announcement              five licences apportioned covering an area of
       the recent award to the   During an earnings call last week, CEO Vicki  30,000 square km. Aside from Oxy’s award,
       company of Block 5.  Hollub noted that the discovery had been made  offshore Blocks 1 and 2 were won by Italy’s Eni
                         following the award by Abu Dhabi’s Supreme  and Thailand’s PTT Exploration & Production,
       WHY:              Petroleum Council (SPC) of the onshore Block  Bharat Petroleum Corp. and Indian Oil Corp.
       The news comes as   5 concession in December.          (IOC) were awarded Onshore Block 1 and Inpex
       ADNOC is maintaining its   “We are pleased to have been awarded a new  took Onshore Block 4.
       efforts to expand drilling   concession, onshore Block 5 in Abu Dhabi,   The award of the Block 5 concession came
       throughout the emirate as   which is adjacent to onshore Block 3 where we’ve  after the SPC granted Abu Dhabi National Oil
       well as grow its shipping   been conducting exploration work. Following  Co. (ADNOC) permission to begin handing out
       fleet.            the award of Block 5, we made a multi-reservoir  blocks included in Abu Dhabi’s second compet-
                         discovery in Block 3,” Hollub said.  itive bidding round, which was launched later
       WHAT NEXT:
       ADNOC already boasts a
       formidable position in the
       market and this is being
       consolidated by major,
       shrewd moves.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 09   03•March•2021
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