Page 5 - MEOG Week 09 2021
P. 5

MEOG                                         COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

                         that year.                           find the Emirates’ oil reserve base now stands at
                           As has become customary for ADNOC,  107bn barrels, from which it currently produces
                         Oxy was awarded a 100% stake in the explora-  4mn barrels per day (bpd).
                         tion phase and rights to the development and   The SPC said: “This increase in reserves is as
                         production phases of any successful commer-  a result of the ongoing maturation of ADNOC’s
                         cial discovery, at which point ADNOC has the  developments towards its 5mn bpd oil produc-
                         option to take its customary 60% share. Oxy is  tion capacity target by 2030, and its appraisal
                         expected to spend up to $140mn during explo-  activities, particularly in the Al Nouf field.”
                         ration, including a participation fee.
                           Block 5 covers a 4,212-square km area south-  Fleet expansion
                         east of Abu Dhabi City and borders Oman.  With the output increase in mind, ADNOC has
                         ADNOC noted that new 3D seismic data has  pushed forward with the expansion of its fleet of
                         been acquired that covers a large part of the  drilling rigs. Shelf Drilling last week announced
                         concession, which suggests that the block has  that ADNOC Drilling had completed the pur-
                         “promising potential”. The term of the produc-  chase and delivery of the Shelf Drilling Journey
                         tion phase is 35 years from the date exploration  jack-up under a $77mn-plus deal agreed late last
                         commences.                           year.
                           Awards continue to be apportioned under   The ADNOC subsidiary announced a plan
                         the auspices of the second bid round, with Off-  in 2019 to increase its drilling fleet and it has
                         shore Block 4 having been awarded in early Feb-  so far added 66 rigs, taking the current number
                         ruary to Japan’s Cosmo Energy, while, like Oxy,  under ownership to 95. As part of this initiative,
                         a consortium of Italy’s Eni and Thailand’s PTT  the company purchased four domestically fabri-
                         Exploration and Production (PTTEP) picked up  cated rigs for more than $100mn and it has plans
                         Offshore Block 3 in December.        to add many more onshore, offshore and island
                           In announcing each of the awards, ADNOC  rigs by 2025.
                         noted that the licensees would “leverage and   The parent firm, meanwhile, intends to
                         contribute financially and technically” to the  expand conventional drilling by as much as 40%
                         ongoing mega seismic survey currently being  during the same time period while also rapidly
                         carried out by China National Petroleum Corp.  increasing unconventional drilling.
                         (CNPC) geophysical specialist subsidiary BGP.   The fleet expansion strategy also applies to
                         In November, ADNOC announced that it had  the midstream, with ADNOC’s shipping and
                         agreed a deal with BGP to further expand the  maritime logistics arm announcing, also last
                         massive onshore and offshore seismic survey  week, the acquisition of six very large crude car-
                         from around 53,000 square km to 82,000 square  riers (VLCCs), adding a total cargo capacity of
                         km, increasing the $1.6bn contract value by  12mn barrels. Two of the vessels have already
                         another $519mn.                      joined the fleet, while orders have been placed
                           BGP  is represented in the UAE by Al  for three newbuild vessels with options, to be
                         Masaood Oil Industry Supplies & Services Co.  delivered next year and in 2023. The final unit
                                                              has been purchased and will join the fleet soon.
                         Output push                            ADNOC Logistics & Services (ADNOC
                         Oxy’s discovery follows the announcement  L&S) made its entry into the VLCC sector in
                         in November by the SPC of conventional and  October last year when it bought two vessels,
                         unconventional oil finds estimated at 22bn  Hunter Laga and Hunter Saga, from Hunter
                         stock tank barrels of unconventional oil and 2bn  Group for $84mn each. Data from VesselsValue
                         barrels of conventional resources respectively.  shows that the subsidiary owns six bulkers, three
                         Without providing the location of the unconven-  containerships, nine tankers, eight LNG carriers
                         tional discovery, the SPC said that it was located  and one LPG carrier.
                         in an onshore exploration area that covers 25,000   Making such strides ahead of the launch of
                         square km.                           the Ice Futures Abu Dhabi on March 29 is a clear
                           In a statement, the council said that the pro-  indication of ADNOC’s intention to increase its
                         duction potential of the discovery “ranks along-  capability to exert a far greater influence over the
                         side the most prolific North American shale oil  oil and gas industry amid persistent rumours
                         plays”. It added that following the conventional  that the UAE is considering leaving OPEC.™

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