Page 12 - EurOil Week 39 2022
P. 12

EurOil                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                             EurOil

       related to the technical support of the gas   traditional natural gas from November 2022   quantities of fuel.
       pipeline,” Aksyutin was cited as writing in   to the end of 2023, it said in a statement on its   CPC said the price pressure was evident as
       the letter, “including design, manufacture,   website.                   the companies cannot cover the costs of fuel
       assembly, testing, repair, maintenance, and   Bulgaria was almost completely dependent   bought by Lukoil.
       training.”                          on Russia for its natural gas imports, but at   “Such behaviour by Lukoil Bulgaria
         South Steam has the capacity to annually   the end of April Gazprom stopped deliveries,   represents a general strategy that aims to limit
       deliver 33bn cubic metres (bcm) of natural   after the former government of Kiril Petkov   the wholesale trade of fuels in the country,
       gas. Turkey consumes half of that provision,   refused to pay in roubles. In August, the   with the aim of strengthening its dominant
       while the rest is sent on a pipeline (sometimes   caretaker government led by Prime Minister   position,” CPC noted.
       referred to as Balkan Stream) dedicated to   Gulub Donev refused to buy six tankers of US   It added that this is abuse of a dominant
       deliveries via Bulgaria to the Balkans and   liquified natural gas (LNG), saying it cannot   position according to Bulgarian and EU laws.
       Central Europe, especially to Serbia,  North   find slots to unload them and that it is forced   Lukoil has been given 60 days to object to the
       Macedonia and Hungary.              to restart talks with Gazprom on deliveries.  CPC’s conclusions.
         RFE/RL pointed out that TurkStream lies   Earlier in September, caretaker Energy   Lukoil Bulgaria is part of Lukoil Group
       3 kilometres below the sea in waters with   Minister Rossen Hristov said that the   that owns Bulgaria’s sole oil refinery, Lukoil
       high seismic activity. It said specialised ships   authorities intend to call a tender for natural   Neftochim Burgas. The company has a
       frequently monitor the infrastructure for   gas to secure additional supplies and hopes to   transport and depot network throughout
       damage and make rapid repairs. The required   get offers from Greece and Turkey which have   the country and more than 200 petrol filling
       monitoring and repair equipment is mainly   surpluses.                   stations.
       imported from the West.                Interested suppliers can file offers until
         The contract revocation meant that “no   October 4 and the offered quantity should be
       one will be able to carry out repairs if a pipe is   no less than 3mn MWh distributed through   Lithuanian parliamentary
       damaged, gas leaks, or if a part of the pipeline   the 14 months of supply.
       comes apart due to an earthquake. In fact, the   Bulgargaz is ready to pay in advance for no   speaker says Nord Stream
       company has lost operational control over the   more than half of the natural gas that would
       pipeline, the Russian branch has lost contact   be supplied.             explosions should be viewed as
       with the corporate centre,” a Russian source at   Bulgargaz already called three tenders
       South Stream Transport B.V. informed RFE/  for LNG earlier in September for supply   warning
       RL.                                 between November 2022 and December
         Western countries have accused Moscow   2023. However, the requested amount of   The explosions that have damaged the Nord
       of using the Ukraine war sanctions imposed   LNG would not be enough to cover the   Stream gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea should
       on Russia by the West as a pretext to cut gas   country’s consumption along with the Azeri   be considered as a warning that Europe’s
       exports to Europe. Russia’s plan, they say,   gas delivered through the Greece-Bulgaria   energy infrastructure is not secure, Lithuanian
       is to deal Europe severe economic blows   interconnector, which has received the last   Parliamentary Speaker Viktorija Cmilyte-
       and potentially leave European households   document that would allow the start of full   Nielsen said on September 28,, the
       exposed to winter weather, thereby   operations as of October 1.         website of Lithuanian national broadcaster
       undermining support for the EU’s backing of                              LRT, reported.
       Ukraine.                                                                   “Judging from experts’ statements I
         The EU last year received 40% of its gas   Lukoil’s Bulgarian fuel trader   have seen so far, this is obviously a kind of
       needs from Russia, but many member states                                diversion, a consequence of some kind of
       now want to wean themselves off Russian gas   breaching competition rules,   action,” she told Zinių Radijos radio.
       supplies entirely, seeing it has a now hugely                              “These incidents show that energy
       unreliable supplier that has become a threat to   CPC says               infrastructure is not safe. [...] It can be
       their energy security.                                                   interpreted as a warning because the timing
         Hungary Today on September 29 reported   Bulgaria’s Competition Protection Committee   of the incidents coincided with the Danish
       Hungarian foreign minister Peter Szijjarto   (CPC) said on September 29 that Lukoil   prime minister’s visit to Poland where [the
       as telling a meeting of energy ministers from   Bulgaria has abused its monopoly position,   gas pipeline’s] connection with Poland was
       the Organisation of Turkic States (OCT)   putting price pressure on its competitors.  opened,” Cmilyte-Nielsen added.
       in Almaty, Kazakhstan, that without an   The CPC probed the Bulgarian unit of   After seismologists reported explosions
       operational TurkStream, Hungary would be in   Russian Lukoil following complaints by OMV   near the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2
       big trouble.                        Bulgaria and Insa Oil.               pipelines. European leaders said on September
         Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan   During the investigation, the committee   27 that sabotage was the most likely cause of
       has this week briefed reporters that he foresees  found out that Lukoil Bulgaria has a dominant   the leaks in the Baltic Sea pipelines connecting
       no problems affecting Russian gas supplies to   position on the fuel trade market, and   Russia to Europe.
       Turkey this winter.                 its well developed storage and transport   Ukraine said the leaks were probably
                                           infrastructure gives it a competitive advantage   caused by Moscow’s terrorist attack, adding
                                           over the remaining companies developing   that it was an act of Russian “aggression
       Bulgargaz calls tender for          activity on the fuel market in the country.  against the European Union”, reported.
                                              “CPC identified competitive problems
       natural gas supply until end-       related to the price policy of the company in
                                           the wholesale of motor fuels on the territory
       2023                                of the country,” CPC said in a statement.
                                              It added that Lukoil has put price pressure
       Bulgaria’s state-owned natural gas supplier   on its competitors, gradually changing prices
       Bulgargaz has called a tender for the supply of   and removing discounts for purchases of large

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 39   30•September•2022
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