Page 9 - EurOil Week 39 2022
P. 9

EurOil                                           POLICY                                               EurOil

       Eighth sanctions package will not

       include oil price cap

        EU               THE EU will not include details of an oil price  four referenda being held this week in occupied
                         cap in the upcoming eight package of sanctions  regions of Ukraine on seceding to Russia.
       Oil price cap sanctions   as the details have not been worked out yet, UBN   The European Commission will present
       have been under   reported on September 26.            proposals for the eighth package this week and
       discussion for months.  Oil price cap sanctions have been under dis-  EU leaders may approve it during a meeting in
                         cussion for months, where oil would be bought  Prague on October 6-7.
                         from Russia at a fixed price. The scheme would   Despite the difficult discussions several EU
                         be enforced by using secondary sanctions to  members remain strongly in support of an oil
                         target anyone offering Russia maritime services  price cap. Poland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania and
                         such as tankers or insurance. The plan is to set  Estonia have all demanded increased pressure
                         the cap at a level where Russia would be willing  on Russia in the new package of sanctions.
                         to continue to export oil and prevent shortages,   Poland, Ireland and three Baltic countries
                         but low enough so that the Kremlin's most  want the EU to expand its sanctions on Russian
                         important source of revenues is heavily reduced.  energy, including a ban on liquefied natural gas
                           The Kremlin has responded to the proposed  (LNG) and restrictions on co-operation in the
                         scheme, saying it will simply cut off supplies of  field of nuclear energy, Bloomberg reports.
                         oil to any country that attempts to participate in   These proposals also exclude a larger number
                         the scheme.                          of Russian banks from the SWIFT international
                           The idea of an oil price cap is very popular,  payment system, starting with Gazprombank
                         but it is proving to be very difficult to agree on  that currently handles the EU payments for gas
                         the details in practice.             imports from Russia.
                           There will probably be no limit on the prices   The five EU member states above have also
                         of Russian oil in the eighth package, according to  proposed banning insurance services and tight-
                         Radio Svoboda, because the G7 is still working  ening restrictions on crypto transactions. These
                         out the details for capping them.    countries are also proposing to ban the use
                           However, the next round of sanctions will  of products from Russian cybersecurity firm
                         contain new measures on chemicals, machinery,  Kaspersky Lab in the EU and to strengthen exist-
                         steel products and individuals involved in the  ing restrictions on technology exports. ™

       Week 39   30•September•2022              www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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