Page 8 - EurOil Week 39 2022
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Equinor strikes gas deal with PGNiG
NORWAY NORWAY’S Equinor has struck a deal to sell “I am very happy that through this gas sales
2.4bn cubic metres per year of gas to Poland’s agreement we can extend our offering as a relia-
The supplies will help PGNiG, for delivery via the Baltic Pipe, the com- ble energy partner also to Poland,” Equinor’s vice
fill the Baltic Pipe. panies announced on September 23. president for marketing, midstream and pro-
Once up and running later this year, Baltic cessing, Irene Rummelhoff, said in a statement.
Pipe will provide Poland with up to 10 bcm per Poland’s gas supply situation is fairly stable,
year of gas from fields off Norway’s coast. This compared with those of other European coun-
will provide the country with a viable alternative tries including Germany. The country has filled
to Russian supplies, which were shut off earlier its storage facilities to close to 100%, against an
this year after Warsaw refused to pay in rubles. EU average of 87%. It also has an LNG terminal
A significant share of Baltic Pipe’s capac- in Swinoujcie, with a capacity of 5 bcm per year,
ity will be filled with PGNiG’s own gas that it which is undergoing an expansion to 7.5 bcm
extracts off Norway. It expects to ramp up its per year next year. It plans to build a second 4
Norwegian output to 3 bcm this year and poten- bcm per year terminal in Gdansk, and the gov-
tially 4 bcm per year by 2027. Some 2 bcm per ernment in May suggested it could construct a
year will be booked by Denmark. The shipments third one.
from Equinor will begin on January 1, 2023, and In addition, Poland has access to gas from
will be sufficient to cover 15% of Poland’s annual Lithuania and its own liquefaction capacity via
consumption. a new 1.9 bcm per year pipeline commissioned
PGNiG noted that it had already signed sev- in May.
eral contracts with other suppliers working on Polish annual consumption amounts to
the Norwegian shelf. around 16 bcm per year.
Ineos takes FID on new Danish gas field
DENMARK UK energy group Ineos has taken a final invest- licensing rounds for oil and gas, arguing that
ment decision (FID) at a new field in Denmark, future drilling for new fields was not compliant
Ineos estimates the representing a rare upstream project sanction in with its climate goals. This marks the first new
field will supply 10% of a country that banned further oil and explora- project to be sanctioned since then.
Denmark’s gas. tion in late 2020. Denmark was previously a net exporter of
Ineos estimates that the Solsort West oil gas until the closure of the Tyra field, its largest,
and gas field will cover up to 10% of Denmark’s in 2019. The field’s platforms had to be mostly
gas demand after it is brought on stream in the replaced, as they had been subsiding for years.
fourth quarter of 2023. The country consumed Initially Tyra was expected back online on July
2.3bn cubic metres of gas in 2021, but extracted 1, 2022, but the relaunch date was pushed back
only 1.3 bcm. several times, first because of the coronavi-
Ineos’ partners at Solsort West with local rus (COVID-19) pandemic, and then because
firms Danoil and Nordsofonden. The pro- of subsequent supply chain issues. Operator
ject will entail drilling two wells that will be TotalEnergies currently is targeting a resump-
hooked up to the Ineos-operated Syd Arne tion in production in October 2023.
“The sanction of the development of Solsort
fits well with our overall investment strategy in
Denmark of optimising already existing infra-
structure to support security of supply and at
the same time investing into storage of CO2 to
support the green transition,” Ineos Energy CEO
David Bucknall said in a statement. “There will
be a need for oil and gas for many years to come
but at the same time we need to find new and
green solutions. Ineos has the ambition to pro-
vide both.”
Soaring European gas prices are helping to
trigger new investments in the continent’s indig-
enous resources. In December 2020, Denmark’s
parliament imposed a ban on new exploration
P8 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 39 30•September•2022