Page 6 - EurOil Week 39 2022
P. 6

EurOil                                 PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           EurOil

       Seismologists record explosions

       in area of Nord Stream leaks

        RUSSIA           EXPLOSIONS were registered by seismologists  out any single way," he added.
                         in Sweden over the last 36 hours, according to   Peskov stressed that "certainly, this is an
       XXXX              the country’s national broadcaster SVT, in the  issue related to the energy security of the entire
                         same areas where gas leaks were reported to have  continent."
                         occurred at the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines   Meanwhile, Ukraine has already blamed Rus-
                         yesterday, stoking fears that the projects were  sia, with Mikhaila Podolyak, head of the office
                         sabotaged.                           of Ukraine’s president, describing it as “an act
                           “SVT can reveal that measuring stations in  of aggression towards the EU.” “Russia wants to
                         both Sweden and Denmark registered strong  destabilise the economic situation in Europe and
                         underwater explosions in the same area as the  cause pre-winter panic,” he tweeted.
                         gas leaks on Monday,” SVT reported. Bjorn   Denmark’s armed forces have released a
                         Lund, a lecturer in seismology at the Swedish  video showing methane bubbles boiling up to
                         National Seismic Network, SNSN, was quoted by  the surface of the sea, with the largest leak caus-
                         the broadcaster as saying “there is no doubt that  ing a surface disturbance of well over a 1 km in
                         these are explosions.” The first blast was recorded  diameter.
                         at 02:03 in the early morning of September 26,   The Danish Energy Agency meanwhile esti-
                         and the second at 19:04 in the evening.  mates that it could take a week for the gas to
                           Germany’s government considers sabotage  stop draining out of Nord Stream 2. While the
                         a likely cause of the leaks, according to a report  pipeline has never flowed gas commercially, it
                         by national daily Tagesspiegel on September 27,  was nevertheless filled with methane last year as
                         while the Kremlin has said it cannot rule out sab-  part of pre-commissioning work. Likewise Nord
                         otage as a possibility. Denmark’s prime minister  Stream 1, even though it halted gas flow at the
                         Mette Frederiksen has said the same.  end of August, would still have been full of gas in
                           The Kremlin also did not rule out foul play.  order to maintain pressure. According to Nord
                         Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the two  Stream 1’s operator, three of the four strings that
                         gas pipelines could be sabotaged.    make up the two pipelines have suffered leaks,
                           "Now we can't rule out any option," he told  describing the damage as “unprecedented.”
                         reporters responding to a relevant question from   While European gas prices did not respond to
                         TASS. "Obviously, there is some kind of destruc-  initial reports of the gas leaks, they are currently
                         tion of the pipe, and as for what caused it, before  up close to 7% on the previous trading price, at
                         the results of the research appear, we cannot rule  €185/MWh. ™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 39   30•September•2022
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