Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 03 2022
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  The new target builds
                                                                                                  on ExxonMobil’s
                                                                                                  pledge to reach net
                                                                                                  zero emissions in the
                                                                                                  Permian Basin by

                           ExxonMobil’s description of the target as  stated. “We believe our strategy is unique among
                         an ambition comes after fellow US super-ma-  industry and enables us to succeed across mul-
                         jor Chevron unveiled a net-zero “aspiration”  tiple scenarios. We will create shareholder value
                         in October 2021. In both cases, the wording  by adjusting investments between our existing
                         appears cautious, which comes as no surprise  low-cost portfolio and new lower-emission
                         given the challenges involved in achieving net  business opportunities to match the pace of the
                         zero, especially for large companies. Often  energy transition.”
                         such plans incorporate technologies that have   The company said it had identified more than
                         yet to be proved. However, while Chevron is  150 steps it can take and modifications it can
                         aiming for net zero across Scopes 1 and 2 as  make to assets across its operations – whether
                         well, it said it would incorporate Scope 3 into  upstream, midstream or downstream – in order
                         its GHG emission targets, in contrast with  to reach its net-zero target by 2050. Initially, it
                         ExxonMobil.                          intends to invest more than $15bn by 2027 into   ExxonMobil’s
                           Others too are taking a tougher line on Scope  lower-emissions initiatives.
                         3, including BP and Shell.            ExxonMobil estimates that its GHG emis-  Scope 3
                                                              sions  on  an  operated  basis  totalled  99mn   emissions
                         What next?                           tonnes in 2020, while on an equity basis they
                         The ExxonMobil statement this week gives  reached 111mn tonnes that year. It is worth   for 2020 are
                         some indication of what can be expected next,  noting, though, that ExxonMobil, like most
                         but many of the details still need to be worked  oil and gas companies, scaled back operations   estimated at
                         out. ExxonMobil’s CEO, Darren Woods, said  in 2020 owing to the onset of the coronavirus
                         the company was developing “comprehensive  (COVID-19) pandemic and its initial impact on   540mn tonnes.
                         roadmaps” for reducing emissions from its  energy demand. Thus emissions in 2021 – data
                         assets across the world. The super-major also  for which are not yet available – could be higher
                         continued to voice its support for a carbon tax to  thanks to rising demand even as decarbonisa-
                         help incentivise investment in lower-emissions  tion efforts were underway.
                         technologies.                         ExxonMobil’s Scope 3 emissions for 2020
                           Indeed, it also said it wanted to invest in tech-  are estimated at 540mn tonnes. Given the
                         nologies including carbon capture and storage  fact that they are almost five times bigger
                         (CCS), hydrogen and biofuels.        than the super-major’s Scope 1 and 2 emis-
                           “As we invest in these important technologies,  sions, Scope 3 emissions are likely to increas-
                         we will advocate for well-designed, high-impact  ingly be in the spotlight, with environmental
                         policies that can accelerate the deployment of  groups in particular calling for more to be
                         market-based, cost-effective solutions,” Woods  done to address them.™

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