Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 03 2022
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                  PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Suncor cites operational issues

       in fourth-quarter update

        ALBERTA          CANADA’S Suncor Energy said on January 18  in the design of the chains that had caused the
                         that operational problems at two of its oil sands  failure, but added that extreme weather condi-
                         sites had resulted in lower crude production  tions had affected the pace of repairs, with that
                         at the end of 2021. The disclosure was part of a  work taking three weeks rather than one week,
                         fourth-quarter update.               as had initially been anticipated.
                           The operational incidents – one at the Syn-  As of January 17, output at both Firebag and
                         crude mine and one at the Firebag in situ project  Syncrude was consistent with the company’s pro-
                         – affected Suncor’s output by about 195,000 bar-  duction guidance for 2022.
                         rels per day in the second half of December. As a   A further setback, confirmed this week, was
                         result, the company’s annual production for 2021  the death of a worker at Suncor’s Base Plant
       The operational issues   came in at 732,000 bpd, or roughly 1% below  owing to a collision between two haul trucks.
       were attributed in part   Suncor’s guidance for the year of 740,000 bpd.  The incidents come after Suncor also strug-
       to cold weather.    In part, the operational incidents were attrib-  gled with operational issues at its Fort Hills mine
                         uted to bad weather. At Firebag, two critical fur-  last year. The company had to carry out work
                         naces tripped hours apart on December 16 owing  to stabilise one of the slopes at the mine, which
                         to frozen air louvers, Suncor said. The facility  raised the project’s operating costs and delayed a
                         began to ramp up output again on December 22,  ramp-up in output.
                         and production reached 200,000 bpd by January   “Operational issues seem to be ongoing,
                         1. The company said it was carrying out an inves-  leaving us unenthused about how quickly pro-
                         tigation to ensure its winterisation programme  duction can be restored at major facilities,” a
                         can withstand extended periods of cold weather.  National Bank of Canada analyst, Travis Wood,
                           At Syncrude, failures occurred in the chains  said in a research note. He added that major
                         driving the two crushers at the Mildred Lake  changes were needed to the company’s opera-
                         mine in mid-December. Suncor identified flaws  tional and safety culture.™

       EQT becomes largest US producer

       of certified natural gas

        APPALACHIAN      US shale gas producer EQT announced last week  to 5.6 bcf (159 mcm) per day of gas equivalent.
        BASIN            that it had certified the majority of its natural gas   “These results not only enable us to unlock
                         output under both the Equitable Origin 100  growing domestic and international markets
                         (EO100) and MiQ standards.           that are valuing a differentiated commodity,
                           The company said in a January 14 state-  they also serve as an important validation of the
                         ment that it had received both certifications in  environmental attributes of Appalachian natural
                         November and that the first block of its certified  gas,” stated EQT’s president and CEO, Toby Rice.
                         gas was now available for trading on MiQ’s dig-  He also touted US gas production’s role in dis-
                         ital registry.                       placing the use of coal on a global basis.
                           An independent assessment body, Respon-  According to the company’s statement, the
                         sible Energy Solutions, assessed EQT’s perfor-  certification score it achieved is the highest
                         mance against the EO100 and MiQ standards at  initial certification score ascribed by Equitable
                         roughly 200 well pads located in Pennsylvania’s  Origin to any upstream producer domestically
                         Greene and Washington counties. The wells  or abroad to date.
                         produce around 4.0bn cubic feet (113mn cubic   EQT is targeting net-zero greenhouse gas
                         metres) per day on a collective basis.  (GHG) emissions on a Scope 1 and 2 basis by
                           EQT said its certified gas production now  2025, as well as a 65% reduction in methane
                         accounts for 4.5% of all gas produced in the US.  emissions intensity. The company has said the
                         According to the company, this makes it both the  gas certifications provide a “transparent, ver-
                         US’ largest gas producer and its largest producer  ified” method for tracking its environmental,
                         of certified natural gas. Its total output amounted  social and governance (ESG) commitments.™

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