Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 03 2022
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NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                carbon fuels and performance chemicals.
                                                                                They also offer future potential hubs for
                                                                                ROYAL DUTCH SHELL, January 20, 2022
                                                                                ExxonMobil, SABIC start

                                                                                operations at Gulf Coast
                                                                                manufacturing facility

                                                                                ExxonMobil and SABIC today announced
       midstream. “We welcome the opportunity to   gas industry for self-performing the full   the successful startup of Gulf Coast Growth
       expand our pipeline solutions in support of   engineering and construction of cryogenic gas   Ventures world-scale manufacturing facility in
       LNG efforts.”                       processing facilities. Saulsbury is well known   San Patricio County, Texas.
       TEXAS LNG BROWNSVILLE, January 18, 2022  in this industry for its successful project   The new facility will produce materials
                                           execution and world-class safety performance.  used in packaging, agricultural film,
       Saulsbury awarded EPC               SAULSBURY, January 17, 2022          construction materials, clothing, and
                                                                                automotive coolants. The operation includes
       contract for two cryogenic          DOWNSTREAM                           a 1.8mn metric tonne per year ethane steam
                                                                                cracker, two polyethylene units capable of
       processing facilities in            Shell completes sale                 producing up to 1.3mn metric tonnes per
                                                                                year, and a monoethylene glycol unit with a
       West Texas                                                               capacity of 1.1mn metric tonnes per year.
                                                                                  “We built this state-of-the-art chemical
       Saulsbury was recently awarded the EPC   of interest in Deer Park        plant ahead of schedule and below budget,
       contract for the design and installation of   refinery to partner Pemex  by leveraging our global projects expertise
       two cryogenic processing facilities in the                               in execution planning and delivery, while
       Midland Basin. The facilities, designed with   Shell Oil Company, a subsidiary of Royal   keeping everyone safe and healthy,” said Karen
       a base-rated capacity of 200 mmscf per   Dutch Shell, has completed the sale of its   McKee, president of ExxonMobil Chemical
       day each, mark Saulsbury’s 61st and 62nd   interest in Deer Park Refining Limited   Company. “This is a remarkable achievement
       cryogenic processing facility projects since   Partnership, a 50-50 joint venture between   that positions us well to help meet growing
       2006, representing nearly 11 bcf per day of   Shell Oil Company and PMI Norteamerica (a   global demand for performance products
       processing capacity, and its 23rd and 24th   subsidiary of Petroleos Mexicanos, or Pemex)   while providing meaningful investment in the
       cryogenic processing facility in the West Texas   for $596mn, a combination of cash and debt.  US Gulf Coast.”
       region.                                The agreement covers the sale of Shell’s   “This is a very proud moment for the
         Saulsbury will be responsible for the   50.005% interest in the partnership, and   parent companies,” said Abdulrahman Al-
       engineering, procurement, and construction   therefore transfers full ownership of the   Fageeh, SABIC’s executive vice president of
       of the processing facilities that will include   refinery to Pemex. Shell Chemical will   Petrochemicals. “It was with a great deal of
       amine treating, molecular sieve dehydration,   continue to operate its 100% owned Deer Park   dedication that our teams were able to safely
       cryogenic gas processing, residue gas   Chemicals facility located adjacent to the site.  start up each element of the plant before the
       compression, nitrogen rejection, slug catching,   “The completion of this sale marks the start   close of 2021. As we begin this next chapter
       condensate stabilisation, and all balance   of a new chapter of our history in Deer Park as   for GCGV, we look forward to continuing our
       of plant equipment, utilities, electrical,   we’ve worked closely with Pemex over the past   role as a good neighbour in the Coastal Bend.”
       instrumentation, and controls infrastructure.    few months to ensure a safe and responsible   Construction began in the third quarter of
       Work on this facility started in December with  handover of operations for the refinery,”   2019, creating an estimated 6,000 high-paying
       a phased commissioning starting in late 2022.  said Huibert Vigeveno, Shell’s Downstream   construction jobs, and the manufacturing
         “This important project will continue to   Director. “The team at Deer Park has been   plant now directly employs more than 600
       showcase Saulsbury’s position as a premier   instrumental not only in preparing the asset   people.
       EPC contractor for delivering high-  for Pemex operations, but also in continuing   ExxonMobil and SABIC have partnered
       quality, speed-to-market solutions for the   a legacy of safety and performance that dates   together for 40 years on petrochemical
       midstream gas processing space,” said Sean   back 92 years. We look forward to remaining   projects. Gulf Coast Growth Ventures
       Trotter, Saulsbury VP EPC Engineering/  a neighbour in the Deer Park community and   represents their first joint venture in the
       Major Projects.  “Our continued practice   growing our chemicals business to best meet   Americas. SABIC is the operating partner
       of implementing project-specific design   the needs of our customers while advancing   for two long-standing joint ventures with
       innovations and optimisation will further   our global energy and chemicals park strategy.”  ExxonMobil in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
       strengthen our commitment to delivering one   As part of its Powering Progress strategy,   Kemya in Jubail and Yanpet in Yanbu.
       of the Midland Basin’s premier facilities for   Shell plans to consolidate its refinery footprint   Ownership interests in Gulf Coast Growth
       our client.”                        to five core energy and chemicals parks.   Ventures is evenly divided with 50% to
         For Saulsbury, this award further solidifies   These locations will maximise the integration   ExxonMobil and 50% to SABIC. ExxonMobil
       the company’s reputation and longstanding   benefits of conventional fuels and chemicals   is the site operator.
       history as an industry leader in the oil and   production while also offering new low   EXXONMOBIL, January 20, 2022

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 03   20•January•2022
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