Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 03 2022
P. 11

NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            They have the financial strength we need and   MIDSTREAM
                                           understand midstream better than anyone in
       Clearfork Midstream to              the venture capital business. They aligned with   Texas LNG, a Glenfarne
                                           us on the acquisition of Azure Midstream and
       acquire Azure Midstream             Azure’s growth potential. We are very pleased   Group company, and
                                           to be part of the EFM family of companies.”
       Energy, secures initial             characteristics including strong leadership;   Enbridge execute natural
                                             “The management team possesses certain
       capital commitment from             the ability to attract and retain talent; a strong   gas pipeline transportation
                                           reputation and track record; and a compelling
       EnCap Flatrock Midstream            business plan, all of which we highly prioritise   agreement
                                           when backing a team,” said EFM Managing
       Clearfork Midstream today announced it has   Director Zach Kayem, a member of the   Texas LNG Brownsville, a controlled
       secured a capital commitment from EnCap   Clearfork board of directors. “We have known   subsidiary of Glenfarne Group, developing a
       Flatrock Midstream (EFM) and has entered   members of management for better than half   fourmn tonnes per annum liquefied natural
       into a definitive agreement to purchase   of a decade and are excited to pursue this   gas (LNG) export terminal in the Port of
       Azure Midstream Energy. The transaction is   significant midstream opportunity in East   Brownsville, South Texas, and Enbridge, a
       subject to standard regulatory approvals and   Texas and North Louisiana.”  leading North American energy infrastructure
       is expected to close during the first quarter   CLEARFORK MIDSTREAM, January 18, 2022  company, have executed a pipeline
       of 2022. Based in Fort Worth, Clearfork is a                             transportation precedent agreement for the
       growth-oriented midstream company that   Split Rock Resources            expansion of the Valley Crossing Pipeline
       was formed in 2020 to provide comprehensive                              (VCP) to deliver approximately 720mn cubic
       midstream solutions for oil and gas producers   announces Permian Basin   feet per day of natural gas to Texas LNG’s
       in basins across North America, with a                                   export facility for a term of at least 20 years.
       specific emphasis on unconventional natural   expansion                    VCP consists of a 160-mile 42- and 48-
       gas production in the Haynesville/Bossier                                inch diameter pipeline originating at Agua
       Shale formation in North Louisiana and East   Split Rock Resources an affiliate of North   Dulce, a major Texas gas hub, and extending
       Texas.                              Hudson Resource Partners, announced that it   to the Port of Brownsville. A 10-mile lateral
         Clearfork is led by chief executive officer   has acquired non-operated Permian Basin oil   will be built to extend the pipeline to Texas
       Kipper Overstreet and a team of industry   and gas assets from a private seller for a cash   LNG’s facility, along with the addition of
       veterans including chief operating officer   purchase price of $97.5mn. The acquisition   compression facilities on the existing pipeline.
       George Grau Jr., chief commercial officer   primarily consists of core non-operated assets   VCP’s pipeline header at Agua Dulce, a
       Corey Lothamer and executive vice president   located in the Delaware Basin in Eddy and   growing gas pricing and transportation hub
       Kevin Venturini. Together, they have more   Lea counties, New Mexico as well as in the   in South Texas, interconnects with ten major
       than 75 years of collective experience in the   Midland Basin in Glasscock County, Texas.  gas pipeline systems providing access to
       energy industry. Prior to forming Clearfork,   The Assets are currently producing   abundant and competitively priced gas from
       Mr. Overstreet served from 2013 to 2020 in   approximately 2,000 boe per day (75% liquids,   the Permian and other major gas basins with
       roles of increasing responsibility at Azure   three-stream basis) and include approximately   a total receipt capacity of more than sevenbn
       Midstream, most recently as vice president of   1,000 net acres with substantial drilling   cubic feet per day. The compression facilities
       corporate development and gas supply from   inventory targeting the Wolfcamp, Bone   at Agua Dulce will use electric motors which
       2017 to 2020.                       Spring and additional formations. The Assets   can be powered by plentiful Texas renewable
         “Over the past few years, we have   are operated by a diverse group of top-tier   energy, thus reducing CO2 emissions.
       developed strong relationships with key   companies and 2022 development activities   “Enbridge has been a tremendous
       members of the EFM team,” Clearfork   are expected to increase daily production rates   supporter of Texas LNG from the project’s
       CEO Kipper Overstreet said. “The firm’s   to over 4,000 boe per day.     inception. We are pleased that we can leverage
       unparalleled reputation is well deserved.   SPLIT ROCK RESOURCES, January 18, 2022  Enbridge’s leading natural gas pipeline
                                                                                expertise to safely transport responsible
                                                                                natural gas to our ‘green by design’ LNG
                                                                                facility,” said Vivek Chandra, Founder and
                                                                                CEO of Texas LNG LLC.
                                                                                  Langtry Meyer, founder and COO of
                                                                                Texas LNG LLC commented: “Our pipeline
                                                                                transportation agreement with Enbridge
                                                                                enables Texas LNG to deliver abundant,
                                                                                diverse, reliable, low-cost natural gas supply to
                                                                                our LNG customers around the world.”
                                                                                  “Enbridge is committed to the
                                                                                development and advancement of the Valley
                                                                                Crossing Pipeline as it serves Texas LNG and
                                                                                helps the facility meet global LNG demand,”
                                                                                said Bill Yardley, Enbridge’s executive vice
                                                                                president and president, gas transmission and

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