Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 03 2022
P. 10

NorthAmOil                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       Woodside signs preliminary deal on

       Commonwealth LNG supply deal

        LOUISIANA        AUSTRALIA’S Woodside Energy announced on  LNG shipments from the project would then
                         January 19 that it had signed a heads of agree-  begin in the second quarter of 2026 – the same
                         ment (HoA) with Commonwealth LNG to  time that Woodside’s supply agreement would
                         negotiate a supply deal from the latter’s proposed  kick in if it is finalised based on current plans.
                         liquefaction terminal on the US Gulf Coast.  Woodside’s announcement noted that Com-
                           The non-binding HoA paves the way for  monwealth had been working to lower the cost
                         the two companies to negotiate for Woodside  of LNG, with comments from both companies
                         to purchase 2.0mn tonnes per year (tpy) from  suggesting these efforts had paid off.
                         Commonwealth LNG over a period of 20 years,   “This HoA is testament that Commonwealth’s
                         starting in the second quarter of 2026. Woodside  approach to lowering the cost of LNG produced in
                         noted that its offtake obligation could be reduced  the US is gaining prominent support,” stated Com-
                         or even eliminated if Commonwealth lines up  monwealth LNG’s founder and CEO, Paul Varello.
                         other buyers. Conversely, it would also have the   “This HoA with Commonwealth secures
                         option to increase its purchases by an additional  access to competitive LNG in the Atlantic Basin
                         500,000 tpy of LNG.                  and provides Woodside with the ability to build
                           Commonwealth LNG will have the capacity  market scale through acquiring low-cost supply,”
                         to produce 8.4mn tpy of the super-chilled fuel.  said Woodside’s CEO, Meg O’Neill.
                         According to Commonwealth LNG’s website, a   Commonwealth says on its website that it will
                         final investment decision (FID) on the terminal  use innovative techniques alongside a proven
                         is being targeted for early 2023, having been  construction model in order achieve its goals of
                         pushed back previously owing to the recent drop  being a low-cost supplier and reducing risk for
                         in energy demand – which has since reversed.  investors and customers.™

                                               ENERGY TRANSITION

       Imperial sets oil sands emissions

       intensity reduction goal

        ALBERTA          CANADA’S Imperial Oil has unveiled a goal of  implementation of “next generation” technolo-
                         reducing the emissions intensity of its oil sands  gies at its Cold Lake project, efficiency improve-
                         operations by 30% from 2016 levels by 2030.  ments at its oil sands facilities, and the use of
                         The target forms part of Imperial’s longer-term  carbon capture and storage (CCS).
                         strategy of reaching net-zero greenhouse gas   “We are making significant step changes by
                         (GHG) emissions from its oil sands operations  deploying a suite of lower-emissions solutions in
                         by 2050.                             our oil sands operations that help support Can-
                           In a January 19 announcement, Imperial said  ada’s ambition for net-zero emissions by 2050,”
                         that the 2030 target included Scope 1 and 2 emis-  said Imperial’s chairman, president and CEO,
                         sions – those produced directly from its opera-  Brad Corson. “Our updated emission-reduction
                         tions and indirectly from energy used to power  plans are challenging and require innovation
                         those operations respectively. Its net-zero goal  and technology solutions developed in collab-
                         for 2050 also covers Scope 1 and 2 emissions but  oration with policymakers, industry and other
                         not Scope 3 – those emissions stemming from  stakeholders, to help accelerate deployment of
                         the use of Imperial’s products by customers.  lower-carbon technology.”
                           The goals build on the decarbonisation mile-  Corson’s comments echo those of other
                         stones Imperial has achieved to date. The com-  companies – both oil sands producers and the
                         pany said it had cut GHG emissions intensity by  broader oil and gas industry – who are calling
                         more than 20% between 2013 and 2016. It noted  for more government support to help fund and
                         that it also remains on track to meet its previous  develop low-carbon technologies.
                         Scope 1 and 2 emissions intensity goal of a 10%   Imperial’s unveiled its new emissions inten-
                         reduction from 2016 levels for operated oil sands  sity target in the same week that its majority
                         facilities by the end of 2023.       owner, ExxonMobil, announced that it would
                           Imperial said it intended to achieve the 30%  target net-zero emissions from its operations on
                         reduction in emissions intensity through the  a Scope 1 and 2 basis by 2050.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 03   20•January•2022
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