Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 03 2022
P. 13

NorthAmOil                   NEWSBASE’S ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                     NorthAmOil

       NewsBase’s Roundup Global (NRG)

        GLOBAL           WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global  has criticised the International Energy Agency
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  for blaming Russia for causing the continent’s
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  energy crisis, instead attributing high energy
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  bills to the EU’s own policies. Jonathan Stern,
                         regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new  a research fellow at the Oxford Institute for
                         concise format, but by clicking on the headline link  Energy Studies who served as EU speaker for the
                         for each section the full text will be available as  EU-Russia Gas Advisory Council between 2011
                         before.                              and 2015, noted that Russia has long warned its
                                                              European gas customers against abandoning
                         AfrOil: Egbokor Energy Park set to launch  long-term contracts and shifting away from
                         by end-March                         oil-indexed to gas market prices.
                         Backers of the Egbokor Energy Park project
                         reportedly expect construction work on the  GLNG: Work begins on Hai Lang LNG-to-
                         new facility, which is being built in Nigeria’s Edo  power project in Vietnam
                         State, to be completed in less than three months.  Construction has begun on the first phase of
                         According to Dr. Akintoye Akindele, the CEO of  the Hai Lang LNG-to-power project in Viet-
                         Atlantic International Refinery and Petrochem-  nam, according to a January 15 government
                         ical, both the park’s owner, Duport Midstream,  announcement.
                         and the bank providing the financing, First City  The project is located in Quang Tri Province.
                         Monument Bank, have said that the complex will
                         be ready for inauguration by the end of March.  LatAmOil: Guyanese inspectors to take re-
                                                              sponsibility for oil certification
                         AsianOil: Inpex unveils offshore exploration  The Guyana National Bureau of Standards
                         plans                                (GNBS) is prepared to assume responsibility for
                         Japan’s Inpex unveiled plans this week to con-  testing crude oil extracted from the country’s
                         duct exploratory drilling for natural gas offshore  offshore fields this year, ahead of the planned
                         Western Japan later this year. According to a Jan-  launch of the Liza-2 development project. GNBS
                         uary 17 statement, the exploration campaign will  has been involved in the testing of crude since
                         be carried out offshore Shimane and Yamaguchi  December 2019, when the country’s first oilfield,
                         prefectures between March and July.  Liza-1, began commercial production.

                         DMEA: MEA refining concerns          MEOG: Supporting gas and oil drives
                         In DMEA this week, we look at concerning  This week’s MEOG looks at work to expand the
                         developments relating to refinery projects in  production of gas in Iran and that of oil in the
                         Kuwait and Nigeria. Downstream-focused  UAE. Iran is expected to begin commissioning
                         Kuwait National Petroleum Co. (KNPC)  on the final offshore phase of the supergiant
                         this week dealt with the second major fire at  South Pars gas field development programme
                         its 346,000 barrel per day Mina Al-Ahmadi  by the end of September as it seeks to boost gas
                         refinery since October. Meanwhile, Ghana’s  availability. Meanwhile, Abu Dhabi National
                         Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has  Oil Co. (ADNOC) announced this week that
                         voiced renewed concerns about the planned  its drilling arm had added two more rigs to its
                         location of the new 100,000 bpd Sentuo Oil  fleet, taking the total number to 99, with the
                         Refinery at Tema Newtown, a wetland catch-  new units due to work at two of the UAE’s most
                         ment of Chemu Lagoon.                important oil assets.

                         EurOil: Poland shields small businesses  NorthAmOil: ExxonMobil unveils net-zero
                         from gas price spike                 goal
                         Poland has slashed gas prices for small busi-  ExxonMobil announced this week that it
                         nesses in an effort to shield them from the  would pursue an “ambition” to achieve net zero
                         energy crisis unfolding across Europe. Con-  greenhouse gas emissions from its operated
                         sumers across the continent face higher gas and  assets by 2050. The move represents a signif-
                         power bills this year, following a sharp rebound  icant step for the super-major, which previ-
                         in demand as coronavirus (COVID-19) restric-  ously avoided committing to net zero on the
                         tions have been eased.               basis that it had no realistic plan for achieving
                                                              such a goal.
                         FSUOGM: Gas expert hits back at IEA
                         claims about Russia                  See the archive and sign up to receive NRG Editor’s
                         A leading expert on the European gas market  Picks for free by email each week here.™

       Week 03   20•January•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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