Page 11 - DMEA Week 10 2022
P. 11

DMEA                                           REFINING                                               DMEA

       Israel to close Haifa refinery

       as Karish connects to the grid 

        MIDDLE EAST      ISRAEL’S cabinet this week voted unanimously  had connected its Karish gas field to the Israel
                         in favour of closing refining facilities owned by  National Gas Line (INGL)
                         the local Bazan Group as the country pushes to   The company took a final investment deci-
                         promote clean energies as a major gas field was  sion (FID) on the Karish North gas development
                         connected to the grid.               in January 2021, less than two years after making
                           Ministers voted that downstream activities  the discovery.
                         in Haifa Bay should be halted within a decade,   Energean, which operates Karish North and
                         with efforts to be focused on the development of  the nearby Karish main, has been certified to
                         large-scale infrastructure, residential and trans-  contain gross 2C resources of 1.2trn cubic feet
                         portation projects in the area.      (33.7bn cubic metres) of gas and 39mn barrels of
                           The assets of Bazan, formerly Oil Refiner-  liquids, according to a competent persons report
                         ies Ltd (ORL), and owned by Idan Ofer’s Israel  (CPR) by DeGolyer & McNaughton published
                         Corp., comprise 9.8mn tonnes per year (tpy) of  in June 2020.
                         downstream facilities in Haifa Bay as well as an   The Karish asset is estimated to hold 267mn
                         oil storage facility at Kiryat Haim.    barrels of oil equivalent of 2P reserves as well as
                           The refinery imports crude feedstock which  another 37mn boe of 2C resources. The discov-
                         it processes to create various distillates for heavy  ery was made in April 2019.
                         industry, transportation and agriculture, while   Gas from the field will be fed into the INGL
                         the company’s subsidiaries generate products  system by the Energean Power FPSO, 90km off-
                         including lubricants, oils, polymers, waxes and  shore, which has now been tied by to Dor Beach
                         bitumen.                             in the north of the country. The company’s
                           Given the country’s plentiful offshore gas  field development plan foresees first gas being
                         resource, encouraging Israel’s private sector to  achieved in late 2023.
                         make the shift from oil to gas should theoreti-  Energean CEO Mathios Rigas said the FPSO
                         cally have been straightforward, but there have  “will be the first to be deployed in the eastern
                         been significant delays over the 12+ years since  Mediterranean Sea – providing enhanced secu-
                         gas was found in the Levantine Basin.    rity of supply for both Israeli and regional gas
                           Another major step towards improving the  consumers whilst bolstering Energean’s position
                         availability of gas in Israel came this week when  as a low carbon energy producer, driving the
                         London-listed Energean announced that it  energy transition in the wider Mediterranean”. ™

       Week 10   10•March•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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