Page 9 - DMEA Week 10 2022
P. 9

DMEA                                           REFINING                                               DMEA

       Iran to expand refining capabilities

        MIDDLE EAST      IRAN’S  Ministry of Petroleum (MoP)    “We have signed contracts for an additional
                         announced this week that it has received budget-  1.46mn bpd to be implemented in a period of
                         ary approval to add 300,000 barrels per day (bpd)  four to six years for refineries that produce
                         of refining capacity, with private sector and for-  feedstock for petrochemical plants,” he added,
                         eign investment likely to be sought.    noting that each 100,000 bpd increment would
                           The announcement was made during a par-  cost around $2.5-3bn, inferring a total outlay of
                         liamentary (Majlis) session on March 6 among  $36.5-43.8bn. However, the figure associated
                         other issues considered for inclusion in the gov-  with the Soleimani refinery clearly does not
                         ernment’s spending plans for the upcoming Ira-  match Owji’s estimate.
                         nian calendar year.                    In any case, when considered alongside the
                           A few days later, the head of the National  $175-200bn required for the build-out of oil
                         Iranian Oil Engineering and Construction Co.  and gas production, is likely to be a significant
                         (NIOEC) Farhad Ahmadi told official energy  stumbling block to the fulfilment of the refining
                         sector media agency Shana that almost $18bn  expansion.
                         would be allocated for the development of the   Given the strains on the country’s economy
                         refining sector, inferring that the MoP’s previ-  and competition for funding, the MoP noted
                         ous announcement refers to a facility named in  that it would consider bartering crude oil for the
                         honour of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps  development of the refining facilities.
                         (IRGC) general Qasem Soleimani who was   Also last month, Owji said that a consortium
                         assassinated in early 2020.          would be formed of local banks to invest $4bn
                           Ahmadi highlighted the $11.5bn Shahid  in building out the country’s refining sector. He
                         Ghasem Soleimani refinery which will have a  noted that modern, so-called “petro-refineries”
                         capacity of 300,000 bpd, another $4.5bn facil-  have an internal rate of return (IRR) of 16-20%,
                         ity of unspecified capacity in Khuzestan and  depending on their configuration, which is three
                         the second development phase of the 360,000  or four times better than the country’s older
                         bpd Abadan refinery, which will cost $1.85bn.  refining and petrochemical facilities.
                         He added that the total investment would also   Data from IGM Energy suggests that while
                         include new product pipelines.       Iran has a current installed capacity of 2.235mn
                           Referring to the Ghasem Soleimani refinery,  bpd across refineries geared to handle oil and
                         Ahmadi said: “We will use the maximum capac-  condensates, at least 130,000 bpd is not currently
                         ity of domestic contractors and manufacturers,  active.
                         and also this project is going to play an important   This usable capacity of 2.1mn bpd represents
                         role in the development of domestic industries  a rise of around 550,000 bpd since 2017, an
                         and job creation in the country’s refining and oil  increase that is seen by the authorities as a major
                         industry.”                           success given the challenges conducting interna-
                           He added that “nine refining projects are  tional trade amid US sanctions and Iran’s own
                         underway in the company, which will be com-  domestic economic woes.
                         pleted within the next six months”.    However, the target set by the National
                           The news comes just weeks after Oil Minis-  Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Co.
                         ter Javad Owji told Shana that refining capacity  (NIORDC) in 2019 of achieving a refining
                         would rise by around 200,000 bpd in the next  capacity of 2.4mn bpd by March 2020 has not
                         two or three years.                  been fulfilled.™

       Week 10   10•March•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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