Page 13 - DMEA Week 10 2022
P. 13

DMEA                                  TERMINALS & SHIPPING                                            DMEA

       Petrolis completes mooring

       procedures for Coral Sul FLNG

        AFRICA           SWISS firm Petrolis reported on March 7 that  specialises in diving, rigging and rope access
                         it had wrapped up mooring procedures for the  operations related to offshore energy projects.
                         Coral Sul floating LNG (FLNG) vessel at the  Its contributions will allow the Coral Sul FLNG
                         Coral natural gas field offshore Mozambique.   to start supporting upstream production at
                           In a statement, Petrolis said it had completed  the Coral field in the second half of this year.
                         the mooring portion of its subcontract with TJS,  The vessel will eventually process gas from six
                         a joint venture led by Technip Energies (France)  ultra-deepwater production wells at the site.
                         that is serving as the main engineering, procure-  Coral is the first development target at Area
                         ment, construction, installation and commis-  4, a block in the Rovuma basin offshore Mozam-
                         sioning (EPCIC) contractor for the installation  bique. Eni discovered the field at Area 4 in 2012
                         of the FLNG.                         and made an FID in favour of going forward with
                           It explained that it had finished the process  the $10bn Coral South LNG project in 2017. The
                         of tensioning the vessel’s 20 mooring lines in  shareholders in the project are Mozambique
                         2,000-metre-deep water on March 4.   Rovuma Venture (MRV), a joint venture owned
                           The FLNG was built for the Coral South LNG  by Eni (the operator), ExxonMobil (US) and
                         consortium, which is being led by Eni (Italy). The  China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC); Galp
                         Italian major and its partners hold the licence for  (Portugal); KOGAS (South Korea) and ENH,
                         Area 4, the offshore block that includes the Coral  Mozambique’s national oil company (NOC).
                         field, and hope to bring it on stream in the sec-  If Eni and its partners can start production
                         ond half of this year after mooring, hook-up and  at the Coral field before the end of the year as
                         commissioning activities are finished.   anticipated, they will be the first group to launch
                           According to the statement, Petrolis used  upstream development in the Rovuma basin.
                         a crew of 44 rope access and rigging special-  They will also be the first to operate an FLNG
                         ists from its sister company Naurex to work on  vessel in an ultra-deepwater zone.
                         the Coral Sul during mooring and installation   The Coral Sul FLNG unit is about 432 metres
                         works.                               long and 66 metres wide. It weighs around
                           Now that this part of the contract has been  220,000 tonnes and can accommodate as many
                         completed, the company can now turn its focus  as 350 people.
                         to hook-up procedures. It will be providing assis-  When complete, it will be able to turn out
                         tance with subsea umbilicals, risers and flowlines  around 3.4mn tonnes per year (tpy) of LNG
                         (SURF) systems and pre-commissioning activi-  from its single production train. BP (UK) has
                         ties until June 2022.                agreed to purchase all of its output within the
                           Petrolis, which is affiliated with Capefront,  framework of a long-term agreement.™

       Week 10   10•March•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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