Page 13 - MEOG Week 24 2022
P. 13

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       Capt. Mohamed Juma Al Shamisi, Managing   Khudeir, said that the meeting included   stands at only $20 per barrel, according to
       Director & Group CEO, AD Ports Group.   discussing the prospects of cooperation with   Reuters.
       “This in turn further supports the leadership’s   the company,             Around 40mn barrels of Iranian oil -
       efforts to foster a sustainable, diversified, and   which provided scholarships, fellowships   almost half the crude loaded by Iran in March
       knowledge-based economy.”           and training opportunities to develop   and April - was said by Kepler to be stranded
         The agreement confirming the Safeen setup  technical, administrative and engineering   on tankers awaiting customers.
       was done by Al Shamisi and Yasser Zaghloul,   personnel in the oil formations.  NEWSBASE
       the Group CEO at National Marine Dredging   Khudeir indicated that the ministry will
       Group.                              complete the administrative and technical
         The targeted overseas markets will include   procedures for the purpose of announcing   GAS
       Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Taiwan, Sudan, Iraq,   the proposed program by Zenhua, adding
       Mauritania, Mauritius, Guinea, Pakistan, and   that the Chinese company will bear the costs   Iraq pays back $1.6bn of
       western India. These are all markets where AD  as a fully subsidized scholarships in order to
       Ports Group or NMDC are active.     enhance and activate bilateral cooperation and   gas arrears to Iran
         “This will without a doubt contribute   scientific partnership with Iraq.
       to NMDC Group’s ongoing growth and     The meeting was attended by a number   Iran has received from Iraq a sum of $1.6
       expansion strategy as it further strengthens   of specialists in the study programs from the   billion the Arab country owed to Iran for
       its reputation as a global EPC and marine   Ministry of Oil and the China Corp.  imports of natural gas in the past years,
       dredging major,” said Zaghloul. “NMDC   MINISTRY OF OIL                  according to remarks by the Iranian Oil
       Group is a recognised expert in the field with                           Minister Javad Owji.
       over four decades of experience in providing   Russia undercuts Iranian    Owji said on Thursday that the new
       offshore surveys and subsea services. By                                 payment by Iraq is related to an outstanding
       combining our expertise with our long-term   crude                       debt for natural has imports that had
       partner, AD Ports Group, the new company                                 taken place before the current Iranian
       will offer the most advanced and innovative   Iran and Russia would much rather talk   administration came to office in August.
       offshore surveys and diving solutions to   about the solidarity they show in the face   He said that Iraq has settled all payments
       different types of environments and across   of Western sanctions, but the fact is that   related to supplies it has received from the
       wider geographies.”                 since the latter replaced the former as the   National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) since
       GULF NEWS                           most sanctioned country in the world, the   the summer of last year.
                                           competition between Tehran and Moscow on   “This figure of $1.6 billion had not been
                                           oil markets that will happily take their crude   anticipated in their 2022 budget but they got
       OIL                                 has intensified considerably.        an approval from their parliament and paid
                                              Oil-tanker-tracking companies have   the sum to the NIGC account,” Owji said
       Iraqi oil ministry looking to       assessed that Iran’s oil and natural gas exports   during a live broadcast by the IRIB News.
                                           have halved due to competition with Russia
                                                                                  The minister said the payment will allow
       cooperation with Zhenhua            on Asian markets. Data company Kepler,   Iran to increase its supply of natural gas to
                                           which also provides tanker tracking services,
                                                                                Iraq over the summer months when the Arab
       With the aim of developing the technical and   told Radio Farda on June 13 that preliminary   country is expected to face a record demand
       engineering staff working in the ministry oil   estimates showed that Iran’s crude oil and gas   for energy in its power plants.
       affiliates in cooperation with international   condensate loaded in May was about 400,000   The NIGC slashed its supply of natural
       companies, a meeting was held at the Ministry   barrels per day (b/d), versus 820,000 b/d in   gas to Iraq in late 2022 after it announced
       of Oil headquarter between representatives of   April and 908,000 b/d in March.  the Arab country had been in more than
       the Training and Development Directorate of   Looking to make up for lost sales on   $5 billion worth of arrears for its previous
       the Ministry of Oil and the Chinese company   traditional markets, Russia has sought to   imports.
       Zenhua.                             expand oil exports to Asia by discounting its   NIGC’s current supply to Iraq is believed
         The Director General of the Training and   crude by about $30 per barrel. Iran’s discount   to be less than 10 million cubic meters (mcm)
       Development Directorate, Bassim Mohamed   for its Asian customers, especially China,   per day, down from records of nearly 50 mcm

       Week 24   15•June•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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