Page 14 - MEOG Week 24 2022
P. 14

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       per day reported several years ago.  SERVICES                              “We have determined cable directions and
         Iraqi officials said last month that they had                          location of the stations…we have just started
       reached a new understanding with Iran by   Iraq launches Saudi power     constructing those stations and will build
       which the gas supply could reach 30 mcm per                              more in the future,” the agency said, quoting
       day over summer months.             link project                         Ahmed Mousa, a spokesman for the Iraqi
         That came after a senior political and                                 Electricity Ministry.
       banking delegation from Iraq came to Tehran   OPEC member Iraq has started constructing   Mousa provided no details of the project
       in early May to discuss the arrears issue.  power stations and cables within a project   apart from saying the two sides would hold
         Iraq has secured special waivers from US   to link its electricity network with that of   regular meetings to follow up the plan.
       sanctions on Iran to be able to import natural   neighboring Saudi Arabia, the official Iraq   Iraq has also signed power supply
       gas and electricity from its eastern neighbour.  news agency said on Thursday.   agreements with Jordan and has approved
         However, the sanctions, which also target   The connection is part of an agreement   plans to construct solar power plants
       Iran’s banking relations with the rest of the   between Iraq and the nearby six-nation Gulf   in various parts of the country within a
       world, have made it difficult for Baghdad to   Cooperation Council (GCC) states to supply   programme to rehabilitate vital sectors that
       pay for its energy imports from Iran.    the war-torn country with electricity and   have been damaged during the war.
       PRESSTV                             allow it to slash heavy energy imports from   ZAWYA

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 24   15•June•2022
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