Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 31 2021
P. 14

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       FINANCIAL                           Petrobras will declare and communicate the  binding phase regarding the sale of 100% of its
                                           form of distribution (dividends and/or interest  interest in the PAR-T-175_R14, PAR-T-198_
       Petrobras approves                  on equity) prior to the record date.  R12, and PAR-T-218_R12 Concessions, located
                                                                                onshore in the Paraná Basin.
                                              The amounts paid in advance to sharehold-
       payment of remuneration to          ers as dividends or interest on equity, readjusted   Potential buyers qualified for this phase will
                                           by the Selic rate from the payment date until  receive a process letter with detailed instructions
       shareholders                        the end of the year, will be discounted from the  on the divestment process, including guidelines
                                           mandatory minimum dividends, including the  for due diligence and the submission of binding
       Petrobras informs that its Board of Directors,  minimum dividend owed to preferred shares.  proposals.
       at a meeting held today, approved the payment   Petrobras, August 4 2021   About the Concessions: The PAR-T-198_R12
       of two advance payments of remuneration to                               and PAR-T-218_R12 Concessions, located in the
       shareholders for fiscal year 2021, in the total   GeoPark announces      far west of the state of São Paulo, were acquired
       gross amount of BRL31.6bn (about $6bn).                                  in the 12th ANP Bidding Round in 2013 and
         These extraordinary payments consider   quarterly cash dividend of     are currently in the first Exploratory Period and
       Petrobras’ expected results and cash generation                          with Minimum Exploratory Programme (MEP)
       for 2021, being compatible with the company’s   $0.041 per share         commitments already fully met. Petrobras is the
       financial sustainability, without compromising                           operator of the field with 100% stake.
       its trajectory of debt reduction and liquidity, in  GeoPark, a leading independent Latin American   The PAR-T-175_R14 Concession, located in
       line with the principles of the Dividend Policy.  oil and gas explorer, operator and consolidator  the eastern portion of the State of Mato Grosso
         The payments will be distributed as fol-  with operations and growth platforms in Colom-  do Sul, was acquired in the 14th ANP Bidding
       lows: First installment, Total value: BRL21bn,  bia, Ecuador, Chile, Brazil and Argentina, today  Round in 2017 and has a Single Exploratory
       Gross value per common and preferred share:  announced its Board of Directors has declared  Period of 6 years. Petrobras is the operator of the
       BRL1.609911 per share. Record date: the record  its quarterly cash dividend of $0.041 per share  field with 100% stake.
       date for owners of Petrobras shares traded on  ($2.5mn in the aggregate) payable on August 31,   Petrobras, August 3 2021
       B3 will be August 16, 2021 and for holders of  2021, to the shareholders of record at the close of
       American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) traded  business on August 17, 2021.
       on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) will   GeoPark is doubling its quarterly dividend  PERFORMANCE
       be August 18, 2021. Petrobras shares will trade  from $0.0205 per share ($1.25mn in the aggre-
       ex-dividends on the B3 and NYSE as of August  gate) to $0.041 per share ($2.5mn in the aggre-  Petrobras presents
       17, 2021. Payment date: For holders of Petrobras  gate). The Company remains committed to
       shares traded on B3, payment will be made on  returning value to its shareholders while execut-  excellent financial
       August 25, 2021. ADR holders will receive the  ing self-funded and flexible work programmes
       payment on September 1, 2021. Form of distri-  and paying down debt.     results in Q2-2021
       bution: Dividends                   Geopark, August 4 2021
         Second installment: Total value: BRL10.6bn.                            Petrobras achieved excellent operational and
       Gross value per common and preferred share:                              financial results in the second quarter of 2021,
       BRL0.812622 per share. Record date: the record  INVESTMENT               with a net income of $8.1bn, positively impacted
       date for owners of Petrobras shares traded on                            by the effect of the Real appreciation on debt.
       B3 will be December 1, 2021, and the record   Petrobras begins binding   Among the highlights are the generation of
       date for ADR holders will be December 3, 2021.                           operating cash flow and free cash flow, total-
       Petrobras shares will be traded ex-dividends on   phase of E&P asset sale in   ing $10.8bn and $9.3bn, respectively, and the
       B3 and NYSE as of December 2, 2021. Payment                              adjusted EBITDA of $11.8bn, 32% higher than
       date: for holders of Petrobras shares traded on   the Paraná basin       the previous quarter.
       B3 payment will be made on December 15,                                    In view of this result, the company’s Board of
       2021. ADR holders will receive the payment  Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed  Directors approved the anticipation of the share-
       on December 22, 2021. Form of distribution:  on July 01, 2021, informs the beginning of the  holder remuneration payment for 2021 in the
                                                                                amount of $6bn, with $4bn to be paid on August
                                                                                25 of this year and $2bn on December 15, 2021.
                                                                                Thus, Petrobras shares its financial gains with
                                                                                Brazilian society. The Union, the controlling
                                                                                shareholder, will receive BRL11.6bn of this
                                                                                amount and, added to the installments already
                                                                                paid, the amount will reach BRL15.4bn by the
                                                                                end of 2021.
                                                                                  “It is a pleasure to present the excellent opera-
                                                                                tional and financial results for the second quarter
                                                                                of 2021. We keep on working hard, supported
                                                                                by absolutely technical decisions; evolving and
                                                                                becoming stronger to better invest, supply an
                                                                                increasingly demanding market, and generate
                                                                                prosperity for our shareholders and for society,”
                                                                                said Petrobras CEO Joaquim Silva e Luna.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 31   05•August•2021
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