Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 31 2021
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LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       As the Company previously announced on July                              capital programme of $130-150mn has been
       12, 2021, the Colombian government success-                              spent during the first half of 2021.
       fully negotiated the end to all of the blockades                           Oil Price Hedges In Place Designed To
       in the areas that were affecting Gran Tierra’s                           Protect Cash Flows During Second Half 2021:
       operations, which has allowed the Company to                             The Company has the following Brent oil price
       restore its oil production throughout its entire                         hedges in place covering 10,000 BOPD in second
       Colombian portfolio.                                                     half 2021, with a weighted average floor price of
         Second Quarter 2021 Production: The                                    $57.03 per barrel and a weighted average ceiling
       Quarter’s production averaged 23,035 bpd, up                             price of $65.29 per barrel. (Realised oil price
       14% from the second quarter of 2020, but down                            hedging losses totaled $24mn during the Quar-
       6% from the first quarter of 2021. The quar-                             ter, but the Company’s H1-2021 hedges have
       ter-over-quarter production drop was due solely                          now rolled off.)
       to the temporary impact of the blockades during                            Gary Guidry, President and CEO of Gran
       the Quarter, all of which have since been lifted.                        Tierra, commented: “Despite the challenges
         Strong H2-2021 Production: Gran Tierra                                 with blockades during the Quarter, we are very
       forecasts H2-2021 total production to average                            pleased that we have now safely and diligently
       approximately 30,000-32,000 bpd.                                         ramped operations back up throughout our
         Full Year 2021 Production Guidance: Based                              Colombia portfolio. Although the blockades
       on the Company’s significant progress in restor-                         temporarily impacted Gran Tierra’s production
       ing production subsequent to the Quarter, Gran                           volumes, the stronger Brent oil price environ-
       Tierra reaffirms its 2021 full-year production                           ment more than offset the effect of lower pro-
       guidance of 27,500-28,500 bpd.                                           duction volumes, as demonstrated by our higher
         Key Financial Metrics for the Quarter: Credit                          oil sales and EBITDA figures. With production
       Facility Paid Down: Despite the reduction in  expenses before stock-based compensation  restored, we expect Gran Tierra to generate sec-
       the Quarter’s production, as of June 30, 2021,  increased by $0.77 per barrel during the Quarter  ond-half 2021 free cash flow of $100-120mn.
       the Company had paid down its credit facility  to $3.49 per barrel compared to the Prior Quar-  With a constructive oil price environment, a suc-
       balance by $5mn to $175mn and had a cash  ter due to the timing of certain corporate costs.  cessful first half 2021 drilling programme and
       and cash equivalents balance of $20mn. These  Gran Tierra reaffirms its 2021 full year forecast  the expiry of our first half 2021 oil price hedges,
       figures compare to a credit facility balance of  for G&A expenses of $1.50-2.50 per barrel.  we are very excited about the second half of 2021
       $180mn and cash and cash equivalents balance   Narrowed Net Loss and Increased EBITDA:  and all of 2022.”
       of $22mn at the end of the Prior Quarter. With  Relative to the Prior Quarter, Gran Tierra sig-  Gran Tierra Energy, August 3 2021
       2021 expected free cash flow2 and changes in  nificantly narrowed its realised net loss by 53%
       non-cash working capital (primarily related to  to $18mn from $37mn in the Prior Quarter;
       the ongoing collection of tax receivables), Gran  EBITDA also substantially improved to $34mn,  POLICY
       Tierra expects its bank credit facility to be paid  up from $16mn in the Prior Quarter.
       down to a balance of $60-80mn by December   Funds Flow: Relative to the Prior Quarter,   PetroRio granted royalty
       31, 2021.                           the Company’s funds flow from operations1
         Significant Reduction in Operating  was down 20% to $23mn, due to the Quarter’s   rate reduction for Tubarão
       Expenses: Compared to the Prior Quarter, the  blockade-driven drop in production and tempo-
       Company’s operating expenses were down 9%  rary increase in expenses, but was up 290% from   Martelo field
       to $12.46 per barrel, despite the reduction in the  second quarter 2020.
       Quarter’s production. This decrease in operating   Increased Oil Sales and Operating Netback:  PetroRio has informed its shareholders that the
       expenses was achieved mainly by lower power  The Brent oil price averaged $69.08 per barrel  country’s National Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels
       generation costs in Acordionero.    and Gran Tierra generated oil sales of $97mn,  Agency (ANP) has approved the Development
         Increases in Other Expenses: Due to the tem-  up 1% or $1mn from the Prior Quarter, as the  Plan of the cluster consisting of the Polvo and
       porary impact of the blockades during the Quar-  13% increase in the Brent oil price more than  Tubarão Martelo fields.
       ter, Gran Tierra rerouted some of its production  offset the 6% decrease in production during the   Among other topics, ANP granted PetroRio
       to higher-cost transportation alternatives. As a  Quarter. The Company’s operating netback3  a royalty rate reduction for the Tubarão Martelo
       result of these temporary alternative marketing  of $33.44 per barrel was up 15%, an increase  field, as an incentive to invest in the Field’s revi-
       arrangements with higher costs, the quality and  of $4.24 per barrel relative to the Prior Quar-  talisation. The approval establishes the reduction
       transportation discount was up $2.56 per barrel  ter. This improvement was achieved despite an  of the royalty rate from 10% to 5% on the incre-
       during the Quarter to $11.54 per barrel, relative  increase in royalties to $10.21 per barrel, up from  mental production resulting from the Field’s
       to the Prior Quarter. Transportation expenses  the Prior Quarter’s $8.34 per barrel, which was  investments, based on the concession contract
       were up $0.28 per barrel during the Quarter to  caused by higher oil prices and despite increased  and on Resolution 749/18, which regulates the
       $1.43 per barrel, compared to the Prior Quarter.  expenses during the Quarter.  royalty rate reduction on incremental produc-
         With the resolution of the blockade situation,   Capital Expenditures: The Quarter’s expendi-  tion for mature fields.
       Gran Tierra has restored its normal, lower cost  tures of approximately $37mn were flat with the   As such, incremental production from new
       transportation routes and reaffirms its 2021 full  Prior Quarter’s level of $37mn, as Gran Tierra  investments in Tubarão Martelo Field will have
       year forecasts for quality and transportation dis-  pressed ahead with development drilling oper-  their royalty rate reduced to 5%, including the
       count of $8.00-10.00 per barrel and transporta-  ations, completions and workovers at the Acor-  production of the TBMT-10HP well, expected
       tion expenses of $0.90-1.10 per barrel.  dionero and Costayaco oil fields. The Company  to start production in September.
         General and administrative (“G&A”)  estimates that approximately 50-60% of its 2021   PetroRio, July 29 2021

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 31   05•August•2021
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