Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 31 2021
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LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

                                           President Energy                     fully active, with three operated drilling rigs and
                                                                                three workover rigs in Colombia.
                                           announces operations and             rels: Revenue of $165.6mn. Operating Profit of
                                                                                  Strong Free Cash Flow from Profitable Bar-
                                           corporate update                     $19.2mn/Net Loss of $2.5mn. Operating Net-
                                                                                back of $74.2mn/Adjusted EBITDA of $60.5mn
                                           AIM-listed President Energy, the energy com-  (both including protective cash hedge losses of
                                           pany with a diverse portfolio of hydrocarbon  $35.7mn). Capital expenditures of $34.4mn.
                                           production and exploration assets focused pri-  Accelerating Production and Cash Flow:
                                           marily in South America as well as Atome, a  Full-year 2021 work programme of $125-
                                           new green hydrogen and ammonia company,  140mn, targeting 38,000-40,0002 boepd aver-
                                           provides an operational update in relation to its  age production and operating netbacks of
       Petrobras is also committed to reducing its  oil and gas activities in Argentina and Paraguay  $340-390mn assuming Brent at $60-65 per
       indebtedness and, in this second quarter, it  as well as the contemplated listing of Atome on  bbl. H2-2021 production expected to average
       reached a gross debt of $63.7bn, 10.3% lower  the London Stock Exchange.  39,000-42,000 boepd (excluding the potential
       than last quarter. This value is below the forecast   Highlights: The new oil treatment plant at  production from the H2-2021 exploration drill-
       for 2021 ($67bn) and very close to the goal of  the Puesto Flores field, Rio Negro, Argentina  ing programme). H2-2021 drilling programme
       reaching $60bn, initially foreseen for the end of  is fully operational with savings in line with  includes exploration prospects in the CPO-5
       2022. Adjusted Net Debt/EBITDA reached 1.49x  expectations at approximately $4 per barrel. At  (GeoPark non-operated, 30% WI) and Llanos
       at the end of the second quarter, the best mark  Puesto Guardian, Salta Province, Argentina,  94 (GeoPark non-operated, 50% WI) blocks.
       since the third quarter of 2011, when leases were  drilling programme to start October. Targeted   Successful Debt Reduction and Cost Savings:
       not yet part of debt.               initial projected new oil production of 120 cubic  $85.0mn of cash & cash equivalents as of June 30,
         “The results achieved this quarter stem from  metres per day with no material increases in  2021. Strategic deleveraging executed in April
       our resilience, focus on the best assets and our  infrastructure or opex costs giving significant  2021 resulted in significant debt reduction with
       ability to adapt. I also highlight the strong delev-  benefit to bottom line.  extended maturities and lower cost of debt.
       eraging, the achievements with the portfolio   Reprocessing of 202 square km 3-D seismic   Continuous Portfolio Consolidation and
       management process and, last but not least, the  at the Pozo Escondido field, Puesto Guardian  Management: Peru: Executed agreement to
       substantial dividend payment in recognition  Concession, Salta now in progress with results  transfer the Morona block contract and oper-
       of our shareholders. We will work to make this  expected in November in time for any follow on  atorship to PetroPerú. Brazil: Manati gas field
       percentage payment increase even more over  drilling that may be identified.  divestment process expected to close by the
       the years”, said the Chief Financial and Investor   Paraguay farm-out on track to receive regu-  end of 2021. Brazil: REC-T-128 block farm-out
       Relations Officer, Rodrigo Araujo.  latory approvals by end of the current quarter.  closed during May 2021. Argentina: initiated
         The operating results were also highlighted  Atome spin off and listing on the standard list  a process during May 2021 to evaluate farm-
       by the average production of 2.8mn barrels of  of the London Stock Exchange on track for later  out/divestment opportunities. Asset manage-
       oil equivalent per day (boed), 1.1% above the  this year.                ment restructuring initiative providing cost
       first quarter, with the pre-salt fields contributing   Peter Levine, Chairman, commented: “We  improvements.
       with 1.96mn boed, equivalent to 70% of the total.  have much to look forward to in the coming   GeoPark, August 4 2021
       These results confirm the company’s successful  months, with at least three distinct initiatives,
       portfolio management strategy, by reducing  Salta, Paraguay and Atome that could each have   Gran Tierra Energy
       presence in businesses with low adherence to its  a material impact on the Group. The market can
       asset portfolio to reallocate resources to higher  expect an increasing level of newsflow as we   announces Q2-2021 results
       productivity projects and assets, maximising the  move towards the final part of the year.”
       return on capital employed.         President Energy, August 4 2021      Gran Tierra today announced the Company’s
         This year, up to July 31, the cash inflow from                         financial and operating results for the quarter
       the sale of assets reached $2.8bn. Besides the   GeoPark reports         ended June 30, 2021.
       signature of the Gaspetro sale, we concluded the                           Key Highlights, End of Colombian Block-
       following operations in the period: the public   Q2-2021 results         ades Affecting Gran Tierra: As previously
       offering of the remaining stake in BR, the sale of                       announced by Gran Tierra on May 17, 2021, a
       the Frade and Dó-Ré-Mi oilfields, of the Rio Ven-  GeoPark, a leading independent Latin Ameri-  number of protests and blockades across Colom-
       tura Pole, of the Mangue Seco 1, Mangue Seco 2,  can oil and gas explorer, operator and consoli-  bia impacted several key transportation routes
       Mangue Seco 3, and Mangue Seco 4 wind farms,  dator with operations and growth platforms in  throughout the country, resulting in the tempo-
       of Petrobras Uruguay Distribución (PUDSA), of  Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Brazil and Argentina,  rary shut-in of some of Gran Tierra’s wells and
       BSBios, and of the remaining 10% stake in NTS.  reports its consolidated financial results for the  oil fields.
       These resources will allow for increased invest-  three-month period ended June 30, 2021.  Though these blockades were not directed at
       ments in promising projects such as, for exam-  Highlights, Oil and Gas Production and  Gran Tierra, these events caused the Company
       ple, the development of the Búzios oilfield, in  Operations: Consolidated oil and gas produc-  to implement temporary production curtail-
       the Santos Basin pre-salt, the largest deepwater  tion of 36,489 boepd, impacted by managed  ments during May and June 2021.
       field in the world. It is a world-class asset, with  curtailments due to extensive protests and   As a result of the blockades, approximately
       substantial reserves, low risk, which allows for  demonstrations that affected overall logistics  597,000 bbl of oil production were deferred
       doubly resilient oil and gas production, with low  throughout Colombia. Production restored by  during the Quarter and Gran Tierra does not
       carbon intensity and low costs.     the end of Q2-2021. Drilling and field operations  expect any negative impact on the Company’s
       Petrobras, August 4 2021            normalised by the end of Q2-2021 and currently  oil reserves.

       Week 31   05•August•2021                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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