Page 18 - EurOil Week 42 2022
P. 18

EurOil                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                            EurOil

       EBRD expected to approve            which is important to the energy security of   participating in a panel discussion at Russian
                                           the region.
                                                                                Energy Week in Moscow on October 13.
       €16mn for North Macedonia for       the safe and reliable operation of the FSRU,   issue of energy cooperation is not a “political”
                                                                                  Hungary’s top diplomat confirmed that the
                                              The chosen operator will be responsible for
       gas interconnector with Greece      the management of the vessel’s maintenance   or “ideological” matter, but a “strictly
                                           and technical risks, the fulfillment of
                                                                                physical” one, and Budapest will not support
       The European Bank for Reconstruction   environmental requirements, the compliance   any sanctions that endanger its secure energy
       and Development (EBRD) is expected to   of the FSRU operations with the requirements   supply and will continue to seek energy
       approve €16mn in early 2023 to co-finance   of the flag state and the vessel class, and the   cooperation with Moscow.
       the construction of a gas interconnector with   formation and coordination of the competent   He called the operation of the TurkStream
       Greece, the finance ministry announced on   crew for the smooth operation of the FSRU   pipeline – through which Hungary gets its
       October 14.                         during the whole contract period, KN said in   Russian gas – “extraordinarily important”, and
         The interconnector is expected to be   a statement.                    said incidents similar to the “sabotage” of the
       built between the villages of Bogorodica and   “Reliable and safe operations of the LNG   Nord Stream pipelines must be avoided.
       Stojakovo and will connect the country with   terminal have always been our priority.   Szijjarto met with Russian deputy PMs
       the Southern Gas Corridor (SGC).    However, the role of the LNG terminal is even   Denis Manturov, Alexander Novak, and with
         “In this way the financial framework   more important now – it has become the most  Rosatom Deputy CEO Kirill Komarov on
       for this important project for energy   significant natural gas import alternative in   Thursday.
       diversification will be completed,” the   the region, and the highest level of expertise is   A day earlier, he finalised terms of deferred
       ministry said in a statement.       critical,” Darius Silenskis, CEO at KN, pointed   payment granted by Gazprom to Hungary for
         So far, the European Investment Bank   out.                            gas purchased during the winter. State-owned
       (EIB) has provided €25mn for the project,   The FSRU Independence will become KN’s   energy group MVM agreed with Gazprom to
       which will be also co-financed with a €12mn   the property in late 2024 and the operator is   defer its payments for gas purchases exceeding
       grant from the Western Balkans Investment   expected to be announced by late June, 2023.   a certain threshold value, allowing Hungary to
       Framework.                          Last February, the company’s shareholders   pay for the gas over three years if prices surge.
         The total cost of the project is estimated at   approved the vessel’s acquisition from Hoegh   Late payment of gas will ease pressure on
       over €50mn.                         LNG. Lithuania started leasing the vessel from   the country’s widening trade deficit, as soaring
         According to the EIB, the project will   the Norwegian company in 2014, with the   energy prices will lift Hungary’s energy
       enable North Macedonia to provide security   contract expiring in late 2024.  imports by some €15bn this year.
       of gas supply and competition between supply   The FSRU Independence’s buy-out price   Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky
       sources, by offering diversification of routes   stands at $153.5mn, excluding VAT, (around   (Pirates) called Szijjarto’s participation in the
       and sources.                        €145mn at today’s exchange rate). The market   energy forum in Moscow “scandalous”.
                                           watchdog’s agreed buy-out price is €138.4mn,
                                           excluding VAT, and it cannot exceed  €160mn,
       Lithuania’s Klaipedos Nafta         including VAT, as this is the amount the
                                           Nordic Investment Bank will lend the
       to seek FSRU Independence’s         Lithuanian company, said.

       Klaipedos Nafta (Lithuanian Oil, KN), an oil   Hungary seeks continued
       and LNG terminal operator in Lithuania, has   energy cooperation with
       launched a public tender for operation and
       maintenance (O&M) services for its new LNG   Moscow, foreign minister
       terminal vessel, as the company gets ready
       to buy the floating storage regasification unit   says at Russian Energy
       (FSRU) Independence from Norway’s Hoegh
       LNG which is now leasing the vessel,,   Week
       the website of Lithuanian national broadcaster
       LRT, reported on October 17.        Sanctions against Russia are more painful for
         The contractor will be selected with   Europe and Hungary than for Moscow, as
       a strong focus on the experience in the   Hungary’s spending on energy is set to reach
       operation of facilities such as the FSRU    €19bn this year and could climb to €29bn
       and the ability to ensure the smooth and   next year from €7bn in 2021, said Minister of
       uninterrupted operation of the LNG terminal,   Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto while

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 42   20•October•2022
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