Page 19 - EurOil Week 42 2022
P. 19

EurOil                        NEWSBASE ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                           EurOil

       NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)

        NRG              Welcome to NewsBase’s Roundup Global   The company entered Russia in 1995,
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  securing operatorship of the Sakhalin-1
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  oil project in the Russian Far East – often
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  cited as one of the most successful interna-
                         regional beats. We hope you will like NRG's new  tional oil ventures in Russian history
                         concise format, but by clicking on the headline
                         link for each section the full text will be available  GLNG: Petronas Declares Force Majeure On
                         as before.                           Malaysian LNG Exports
                                                              Malaysia’s Petronas has declared a force
                         AfrOil: Eni Acquires BP’s Upstream Algeri-  majeure on supplies from its Malaysian LNG
                         an Assets                            facility following a pipe leak, the company
                         Italy’s Eni has reached agreement with BP  said last week, further exacerbating global
                         (UK) on the acquisition of the latter compa-  supply constraints.
                         ny’s upstream assets in Algeria.       The leak was caused by a soil movement
                            In a statement, Eni said it expected the deal  at the Sabah-Sarawak gas pipeline on Sep-
                         to help it gain access to additional natural gas  tember 21. “This has impacted the supply
                         reserves that could be used to supply European  of gas to MLNG Dua’s production facility at
                         markets, while also expanding its own busi-  Petronas LNG Complex (PLC) in Bintulu,
                         ness operations in Algeria.          Sarawak,” Petronas said

                         AsianOil: India Kicks Off Another Oil And  LatAmOil:  Ecuador  Plans  To Auction  Off-
                         Gas Licensing Round                  shore Gas Blocks In 2024
                         India is offering rights to 26 oil and gas  Ecuador’s government is drawing up plans
                         blocks and 16 coal-bed methane (CBM)  for an offshore licensing round for natural
                         blocks in its latest exploration licensing  gas blocks in the Gulf of Guayaquil, Energy
                         contest, the country’s upstream regulator  Minister Xavier Vera has said.
                         announced last week, as New Delhi looks   Vera told Reuters in an interview that
                         to expand domestic crude supply.     Quito would probably stage auctions for the
                            “There is an unprecedented interest  blocks in 2024, after it wraps up the bidding
                         in Indian exploration and production by  process for a group of onshore licence areas
                         global oil companies,” Indian Oil Minister  next year.
                         Hardeep Singh Puri said last week follow-
                         ing a roadshow in Houston in the US.  MEOG: Israel And Lebanon Agree Maritime
                                                              Border Deal
                         DMEA:  Iraq Takes Downstream Path To  Israel and Lebanon this week agreed a
                         OPEC+ Compliance                     deal that resolves their long-running
                          Iraq has decided to carve out a path toward  dispute around the demarcation of
                         compliance with OPEC+ production targets  their shared maritime border despite
                         through the downstream sector rather than  technically remaining at war with each
                         the upstream sector in November, according  other.
                         to Mohammad Saadoun Mohsen, the coun-  Lebanon’s  President  Michel Aoun
                         try’s OPEC representative.           announced that the talks had come to “a
                            Mohsen revealed details of the coun-  positive end”, calling the agreement an
                         try’s plan to Argus Media on October 11,  “historic achievement”. The deal sees Bei-
                         explaining that Iraq would reduce domes-  rut regain an 860 square km offshore area.
                         tic refinery throughput rather than cut pro-
                         duction in order to comply with its OPEC+  NorthAmOil: Diamondback To Acquire Fire-
                         quota for the month of November.     Bird For $1.6bn
                                                              Diamondback Energy has announced a
                         FSUOGM: ExxonMobil Sees Abrupt Russian  major Midland Basin acquisition, having
                         Exit, Saying Assets Expropriated     agreed to purchase the Permian driller Fire-
                         ExxonMobil confirmed to multiple media  Bird Energy for $1.6bn in cash and stock.  See the archive and
                         on October 17 that it had had its assets in   The purchase is of all leasehold inter-  sign up to receive
                         Russia expropriated, marking an abrupt  est and related assets for 5.86mn shares of   *NRG Editor’s Picks*
                         end to the nearly three decades that the  Diamondback common stock and $775mn   for free by email each
                         US major has been working in the country.  in cash.                       week here

       Week 42   20•October•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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